04-01-2009 17:29:54
New to the forum and how all this works anyone want to get me started. I am just trying to earn some money since I was laid off from my job.
04-01-2009 18:38:04
You're probably going to get a bazillion PMs/replies of people telling you to do their sites, so I'll leave it to them to explain exactly how to do everything as it will be easier to understand while you're actually on a site. I'd suggest taking a look at the DIY section once you've done a few others sites, as they can pay a ton more than referral sites. If you don't understand what I mean now you will understand later on.
However freebies aren't exactly a substitute for a job. They're not too reliable nor profitable anymore.
sandra habina
04-01-2009 21:16:18
Welcome to FIPG. I would be glad to answer any questions for you. I can offer some tips and guides as well. Just PM me anytime.
04-01-2009 21:19:55
hello and welcome to fipg..you have come to the right place to start to learn..many great people here..please pm me anytime you have a question im here for you. can help you the whole way!!! terry
04-01-2009 21:57:28
Glad to help you all the way through! Got a very simple 1 single offer completion site to make you $25.00 in less than 5 minutes. Check out my thread below or just pm me. On top of what I pay, I'll through in some bonuses if you complete more than 1 of my sites!