22-09-2008 15:10:49
I'm new hear and need a tr of 4 or above to trade. How do I get their? I'm not a newbie on other forums and I don't understand how it works here. Please someone tell me how I can trade with newbies?
I have a trade that I can't set up because i have 0 and she has 0, I don't understand why you can't trade just because your tr is 0
22-09-2008 16:18:28
whoa whoa whoa, time out.
[quote47069bfc80="sweetmom"]I'm new hear and need a tr of 4 or above to trade. How do I get their?[/quote47069bfc80]
I'm sure the mods would appreciate that you have read the rules and guidelines, however I fear you may have misinterpreted the rules. Unless something has changed very recently, you don't need a TR of 4 to trade, you can absolutely trade with 0 TR, or else there would be no way for a newbie to ever trade. Now that's not good is it?
[quote47069bfc80="sweetmom"]I have a trade that I can't set up because i have 0 and she has 0,[/quote47069bfc80]
again. Unless something has drastically changed, you CAN make this trade, however, because you are both under 4 TR, you will not receive a TR point and you may not be able to trade under the system. Two people with <4 TR trade at their own risk with no help from the mods in the case of an issue that arises.
[quote47069bfc80="sweetmom"]I don't understand why you can't trade just because your tr is 0[/quote47069bfc80]
You can trade, but the purpose of that rule is to encourage newbies to trade with more distinguished members of the forum. The fact that you are not a n00b in other forums is great, however, the mods here can't take that into consideration because other forums have other rules and as far as they are concerned, it artificially inflates your credibility here.
So basically, what you need to do if you want to get the 4 TR points necessary to begin dealing with noobs within the guidelines, you need to either pay or be paid by a distinguished member of the forum (ie, someone with more than 4 TR) complete 4 trades with them and wait for your 4 TR to roll through. Then you can do whatever you want.
22-09-2008 16:32:31
[quote1f1e5e2eb0="SweetMom"]I'm new hear and need a tr of 4 or above to trade. How do I get their? I'm not a newbie on other forums and I don't understand how it works here. Please someone tell me how I can trade with newbies?
I have a trade that I can't set up because i have 0 and she has 0, I don't understand why you can't trade just because your tr is 0[/quote1f1e5e2eb0]
[quote1f1e5e2eb0="http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=8376"][b1f1e5e2eb0]Trade Record [/b1f1e5e2eb0][/size1f1e5e2eb0]
a. After you have completed a trade with another user, use the Trade Module to "Request TR" so that both parties may receive a trade record point.
[b1f1e5e2eb0]If both users have less than 4 TR... [/b1f1e5e2eb0]
You will not receive credit for your trade.
[b1f1e5e2eb0]If at least one trader has 4 or more TR...[/b1f1e5e2eb0]
You will BOTH be credited, assuming that your trade is legitimate. [/quote1f1e5e2eb0]
The rule is in place to protect new traders. Unfortunately, sometimes it ensnares experienced traders from other sites without experience trading at FiPG. You can always build your TR to 4 by trading with someone with a TR greater than 4.
22-09-2008 16:41:40
That should help too
22-09-2008 18:36:40
That should help too[/quote6e10d1b23e]
http/" alt=""/img45.imageshack.us/img="45/7919/roflcopter9gr.png[" alt=""/img6e10d1b23e]
23-09-2008 13:24:06
No kidding. Your post made me cringe.
25-09-2008 02:15:59
Thanks for this, was a little confused myself