08-01-2008 22:23:01
I've heard that to get the "Newbie" status off I need a certain number of posts. Is this correct or does it have to do with the number of trades?
If it is posts, then how many is it until the "Newbie" drops off?
09-01-2008 00:31:45
Here you go D .
[quote2c40a37ba0="moviemadnessman"]Trade Foum posts don't count ... and here is the list of changes (it's been covered quite frequently)
[quote2c40a37ba0="moviemadnessman"]After a 10 second search ...
Newbie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0
User ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 50
Regular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100
Freepay Fanboy ~~~~~~~~ 200
Addict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 500
Super Cheap ~~~~~~~~~ 1000
Wanna-Be Moderator ~~~~ 1500
Has No Friends ~~~~~~~~ 2500[/quote2c40a37ba0][/quote2c40a37ba0]
16-01-2008 11:00:38
Ha. Quoted again )
Although looking over the board, this question hadn't been answered in a few months ... So I'm going to bump this up a few times. Also, kudos on quoting the section about trade forum posts, hitnaui.
16-01-2008 14:04:11
And now Brag Bag posts don't count either!!!
16-01-2008 22:50:37
Thank you, Denise, for the update ... I have included it in a new revised statement which can be quoted in the future
[quotea7bd44eff7="moviemadnessman"]The title under your username is directly relating to how many posts you have made on this site. When you reach a certain amount of posts, your title changes automatically. Although some people use it as a factor in deciding to deal with a person or not, please keep in mind that it isn't something to be used as the main reason for accepting or denying a trade with someone. A reason for this is that up until
this post on January 11th, 2008, posts in the brag bag counted, so people often used it to inflate their post count by saying "Graz" in multiple threads with the goal of boosting their post count, thus resulting in an inaccurate representation of their participation on this site.
That said, please keep in mind that posts in the Trade Forum and the Brag Bag don't count for a user's post count, and that the only thing that truly matters in trades is TR (although, yes, if someone has been here for a time and has many posts, that can influence trade decisions, too).
Here is the list of user status changes
Newbie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0
User ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 50
Regular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100
Freepay Fanboy ~~~~~~~~ 200
Addict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 500
Super Cheap ~~~~~~~~~ 1000
Wanna-Be Moderator ~~~~ 1500
Has No Friends ~~~~~~~~ 2500[/quotea7bd44eff7]
21-01-2008 10:48:07
Now I know, I thought it was Trade based. Looks like I got some posting to do!! THanks again!