04-01-2008 12:42:35
I have a question about mentioning my TR on other forums. I've read the rules, and it says I should "refrain from referring to these other sites". So, I haven't put anything in my Trade Thread yet referring to my TR on "other sites".
However, I see a number of threads in the trading post right now where people are referring to their TR on other boards, and some ppl are even providing links.
So, my question is this Is it or is it not allowed to mention my TR on other boards in my Trade Thread? Will I get banned if I do? I'd like to offer other "references" since I just started trading here, but I don't want to get banned right away either )
04-01-2008 12:57:46
Mmm, I think the big concern is someone that scams will find a user on another site that has a good TR record and pretend to be them to sucker people in... Maybe if you made it obvious (some kinda word or hey, this is really me put on both sites and being specific that that is linking FiPG with whatever other site).
But don't take my word for it, I don't know, just a suggestion, that would certainly prove you are who you are though ;)
04-01-2008 13:05:34
I don't recall anything in the rules expressly forbidding discussion of other sites and feedback. If so then it's something the other admins and myself have never enforced.
What I think you're referring to regards the issue that we don't want people thinking because someone has (or claims to have) TR or eBay feedback or whatever reputation on another site, that it has any relevance here, or serves as "substitute" FiPG TR. It doesn't. Our trading guidelines (for example, lower TR goes first) apply stricly to FiPG TR and not that of any other site. It doesn't matter if you have 1000 TR elsewhere and 20K eBay Feedback, if you're 0TR here and trade with a 1TR noob (not recommended, btw), you'd still be expected to go first and abide by all other trading rules and procedures.
Even inside of FiPG, TR isn't everything -- we've had high TR people turn bad, scam & run. But as far as we're concerned, a persons' reputation within the context of FiPG is what matters when it comes to trading rules and guidelines.
05-01-2008 08:22:40
[quoteb9d9150761="dmorris68"]I don't recall anything in the rules expressly forbidding discussion of other sites and feedback. If so then it's something the other admins and myself have never enforced.
What I think you're referring to regards the issue that we don't want people thinking because someone has (or claims to have) TR or eBay feedback or whatever reputation on another site, that it has any relevance here, or serves as "substitute" FiPG TR. It doesn't. Our trading guidelines (for example, lower TR goes first) apply stricly to FiPG TR and not that of any other site. It doesn't matter if you have 1000 TR elsewhere and 20K eBay Feedback, if you're 0TR here and trade with a 1TR noob (not recommended, btw), you'd still be expected to go first and abide by all other trading rules and procedures.
Even inside of FiPG, TR isn't everything -- we've had high TR people turn bad, scam & run. But as far as we're concerned, a persons' reputation within the context of FiPG is what matters when it comes to trading rules and guidelines.[/quoteb9d9150761]
Ok, thanks for the clarification!
The part that had me worried was this section in the
Guidelines and Rules for the forum v.1[=http//]Guidelines and Rules for the forum v.1
e. Violating any of the rules below on 2 or more occasions:
1. Posting a thread in violation of Forum Rules or the rules in this post.
2. Referencing reputation on another site. Since nobody here regulates what those sites do, we cannot take these numbers seriously. As such, refrain from posting about them.
It was # 2 above that gave me the idea that I shouldn't mention it in my Trade Thread )
Thanx for your reply though, I will go with what you said )
sandra habina
05-01-2008 12:02:02
Great question and answers. Thankyou guys.
Definitely someone's reputation and how involved in the forum pages is the most important guideline. Check for helpful posts and then TR and karma too. All point towards a reputable trader but always use caution and follow the rules.
05-01-2008 12:33:26
Just to add my input (and to restate what dmorris said) It is ok to post your TR for other forums (and even eBay, if you want). However, the only numbers that count are the TR that you have earned here on FiPG. If you have (to quote dmorris) 1000 TR on a different forum and 20,000 feedback on eBay, that's cool ... but that doesn't entitle you to run the trade show here if your TR is less than the other person's TR (unless they agree to it).
The rule you are quoting, as far as I see it, is to prevent people from taking their TR/feedback from another site, and using it here in hopes of scamming new people into going first (I don't know if that's still a big problem, but it was a huge problem a few months back).
Long story short post your other TR if you want, but keep in mind that only FiPG TR counts here.
05-01-2008 13:09:16
[quote4562148de2="moviemadnessman"]Just to add my input (and to restate what dmorris said) It is ok to post your TR for other forums (and even eBay, if you want). However, the only numbers that count are the TR that you have earned here on FiPG. If you have (to quote dmorris) 1000 TR on a different forum and 20,000 feedback on eBay, that's cool ... but that doesn't entitle you to run the trade show here if your TR is less than the other person's TR (unless they agree to it).
The rule you are quoting, as far as I see it, is to prevent people from taking their TR/feedback from another site, and using it here in hopes of scamming new people into going first (I don't know if that's still a big problem, but it was a huge problem a few months back).
Long story short post your other TR if you want, but keep in mind that only FiPG TR counts here.[/quote4562148de2]
Thank you! That helps explain things much better ) thanx everyone for their input!