25-11-2007 05:37:23
There are two options when using-single use or multiple use-silly question but which option should I select-if there is a legit charge I don't want to go red if they are unable to charge my card
25-11-2007 07:08:04
I'm not sure what you're asking here. But what I can confirm is that a site will not mark you Red for a declined credit card, at least from my experience. There was a time when I used a credit card that expired and the sight simply kept my in a yellow state until I finalized the offer to become green.
Hope his helps and has something to do with your original question. )
25-11-2007 09:57:22
What I mean is actually, they can charge you the first time with the "single-use" option of course, but let's say that the trial is over and you want to keep the product or service and I'm assuming that they couldn't charge your card again so I'm afraid they'll turn around and make you red? does anyone have experience in this matter?
25-11-2007 20:12:59
[quote106246a969="mariposies"]What I mean is actually, they can charge you the first time with the "single-use" option of course, but let's say that the trial is over and you want to keep the product or service and I'm assuming that they couldn't charge your card again so I'm afraid they'll turn around and make you red? does anyone have experience in this matter?[/quote106246a969]
Yes, some companies - if you fail to cancel a trial - will reverse credit for your offer completion assuming the credit card is stolen or fake information was used in completing the offer (this coming from an ex affiliate manager)