02-11-2007 19:56:08
Hey, I came back to this forum after like 2 or 3 months only to see it has changed so much.
What is up with all this fraud? Did I miss something big like that one guy with the fake amazon giftcard things? Did someone get busted? Every thread I go to, someone says something about frauding now.
And the companies are getting worse too. For real. They decline my credit card only to charge it anyways without credit for it. I got back three days ago and already lost 37 dollars.
So is this whole thing going down or something? What is going on?
Very frustrated!
Chocolate Lab
03-11-2007 09:09:19
Cash, thanks for that post.
I noticed a change also. I came back after a few months and am seeing many posts referring to fraud. Also starting to see lots of posts on the subject of delays in getting credit. Your recent posts on being denied and then charged anyway doesn't seem to bode well for the future of IFWs unless these problems are taken in hand. People aren't going to put up with that for long.
Between the scammers working the system to their advantage, and the companies cracking down, where does that leave the rest of us?
It leaves us into the victims category I suppose, since well we can't really avoid the credit card denied issue. I guess try calling the number from the offer first and find out their working hours, in case you need to call asap for that issue (declined and charged).
04-11-2007 19:27:43
People tend to be more motivated to post when they have bad news to report. I haven't had any issues with any site other than Primodinero and I have very little issues with referrals. I've done some offers recently, and the only ones that failed to credit were ones that have always had crediting issues.
As far as companies charging you anyways even when you don't get credit for the offer - you paying for a product you order has nothing to do with whether or not you get freebie credit for it. If you sign up for something, you are responsible for what you agree to, regardless of whether you did it for a freebie site or not. Just doing offers to get freebie credit is FRAUD.
05-11-2007 16:17:53
[quoteee2bd1e007="skepticalcynic"]People tend to be more motivated to post when they have bad news to report. I haven't had any issues with any site other than Primodinero and I have very little issues with referrals. I've done some offers recently, and the only ones that failed to credit were ones that have always had crediting issues.
As far as companies charging you anyways even when you don't get credit for the offer - [bee2bd1e007]you paying for a product you order has nothing to do with whether or not you get freebie credit for it. If you sign up for something, you are responsible for what you agree to, regardless of whether you did it for a freebie site or not.[/bee2bd1e007] Just doing offers to get freebie credit is FRAUD.[/quoteee2bd1e007]
exactly. i see so many people complaining about being charged for something "even though i didn't get credit" and calling those companies (or the freebie site they did the offer on) a scam because of it.
12-11-2007 05:55:52
I know we've all been there before, but on the flip side -
I only sign up for offers I am genuinely interested in. But if an advertiser offers me a bonus for looking at their product (in this case, credit towards a prize) and I do all of my part (try out the product or service, etc) and then they don't do what they promised, that is actually fraud also (by the advertiser, not the freebie site).
Think of it this way - if I ran a regular retail store and I advertised for a "free gift" if people tried something, then refused to give it to some of them, the BBB would be on me in a minute for false advertising.
Just a thought.........
12-11-2007 06:58:48
Not getting credit doesn't constitute fraud on the advertiser's part. There are so many variables in the process that could cause credit not to be awarded.
However, doing an offer just for the credit, and not because of any legitimate interest in the product is fraud. [bb3fd630b73]That[/bb3fd630b73] is very cut and dry.
12-11-2007 07:48:22
To avoid getting scammed just watch how some members talk, an try not be to gelable on what some say.
15-11-2007 12:52:40
I think what they mean is when you try signing up for an offer and it says your CC is denied but then they still charge you anyways and on top of that they don't give you the credit it just sucks. I don't see how if they decline your CC they have any right to charge you just doesn't make sense. And lets be real here...of course you're "only supposed to do offers you're interested in" but I'll bet that most, if not everyone here, would not be doing these offers if you weren't supposed to be getting a credit for them. Everyone is always so quick to jump on people accusing them of not being interested or saying it doesn't matter that they don't get credit because they should have wanted to try the offer anyways or whatever. Now I'm not naming names but why don't all you people that are jumpin down other peoples throats about supposed offer fraud ask yourself if you would be doing these offers if you weren't gettin somethin out of it. I bet you all would answer no. This whole forum is devoted to one thing and thats making money with freebie sites. Everyone here has one common goal and thats to make some extra money and in the process we may discover some cool products we end up liking. Just because you are mad that you don't get credit does NOT constitute offer fraud.