26-10-2007 12:35:44
I'm having trouble initiating a trade. I go to the user's profile and click initiate trade. This is the message I receive.
Failed. This can happen for several reasons
- You tried to initiate a trade with yourself
- You included a link in the subject (add it later in the "notes" field)
- Your subject was too short. Make it meaningful.
Anyone know anything about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
26-10-2007 13:41:06
Did you write anything into the description when you go to initiate the trade?
It usually opens up a javascript popup which has a text box.
That's where you enter the title of the trade such as "$20 paypal for Trainn Wii".
You probably put a link in there by accident. Make sure when you say its for or, you only put that and not something like http//
26-10-2007 13:52:28
Please, please, please, please search.