05-10-2007 13:52:42
I'm new to this site but not to the freebie world. I a launching a new freebie site at the end of the month and want to create a category for my site. At the bottom of the FPIG forum index there are many sites listed that are rated and below that nonrated sites and a category for "other freebie sites" which has two subcategories (ultimate freebies and another one) Does anyone know how I can get a category? If I simply click "new topic" it creates a topic within one of the categories. Anybody know how to do it or do I have to talk to the administrator.
05-10-2007 13:54:56
If that is confusing what I meant by category is forum...I want my own forum page.
05-10-2007 14:45:08
You cannot make your own forums here, only admins can do that. There is a cost involved. You can PM an admin if you're interested in paying for your own forum.