A better way to Display topics
22-07-2007 14:47:40
Hello all
I don’t want to be winy baby complaining
But I am constantly worried that im gona PM the same person 4-5 days in a row
As people keep bumping his thread back to the top
I try to check an make sure I have not PM’d the person before
But I just KNOW that mistake is coming
Would it be possible to add an option to the forum to Display the topics according to when they where first started
Instead of when the last person posted in them
It would save me a lot of worry
Not to mention a lot of work
22-07-2007 15:17:01
Hi there,
I honestly don't believe that you need to worry about posting replies that bump threads such as this to the top, unless it is just useless jabbering, and not a help to the topic or a valid question, and you repeat the action.
The reason these topics are here is for us to gain helpful information, so the ones that get a lot of attention are the ones you will see at the top the most often, or for a period of time until the topic is worn out.
Every time you or someone else replies, it does bump it to the top, so that the person that initiated the topic and the others that are interested can view new information that someone has added. You wont get in trouble for doing that.
The only area where you have limits is the trade thread. Don't get me wrong though people have been cut off from there PM privileges for doing silly things that were fun to them, but got the Mods and others a bit irritated.
You would be fine here and other areas, replying or asking questions in any of the topics many times, just can't keep bumping a trade thread. wink
Margot D
22-07-2007 15:30:53
thanks for your input
but you misunderstood me
while I do find myself a bit afraid to reply to posts in the trade section
because of the new rule about getting a temp ban for friendly bumping
that is not what I was referring to
I was referring to
Refreshing the trade section every 15 min or so looking for new people asking us to Pm them sites to do
When bothering to do that (not as much as I should) I try to PM every single person that asks for them
But a lot of people don’t just PM them they also say something in the thread
Now for the first few hours this is not a problem
But then there is the odd person who will go threw all the posts from the last few days and post in a few of them
I often find myself reading what I think is a new members request just to realize I read that same post yesterday
I think im pretty good at catching it
But I know im gona end up PMing a few guys more then once
And sooner or later some of them will get ticked off
But if we could sort them according to when they started
I would know which ones are new
Im not talking about making it the forum default
Just an option so we can do it when we want to
22-07-2007 15:58:14
Unfortunately, there isn't an option to sort the posts by original creation date (or anything else for that matter). Maybe in the future, but I don't know if the mos have it in the plans or not. So unfortunately, you will just have to look at your sent messages for now.
Or, you could always post in their thread that you have sent them some information for them to look over; that way, you'll know that you have already contacted them.
22-07-2007 16:06:34
wouldn't that be (friendly bumping) a banible ofence as I understand the new rule on it ?
22-07-2007 16:06:56
Oh, I think I gottcha, sorry about that, I didn't realize you were referring to trade threads.
There are so few people looking to go green right now...and that's a real bad thing, that does make it a bit easier to keep track of. But the best you could do right now, is to look at your sent messages and see if the person that has the post is indeed someone you already sent a PM to. Also, it is a good idea to post in their thread that you are PMing them. Then you could also check for that in the thread its self. I understand not wanting to annoy someone!
New ways and rules are being added to the way we make our trades and communicate, so the Mods may in time come up with a different system, but for now, we have what we have.
Maybe others would also like to see some changes???
Margot wink
22-07-2007 16:10:13
[quote8fcd37d5be="amartin99"]wouldn't that be (friendly bumping) a banible ofence as I understand the new rule on it ?[/quote8fcd37d5be]The way I see it, no. Friendly bumping is when you say "bump", "friendly bump", ")", or anything else that doesn't really have to do with initiating a trade with the OP. Posting that you have contacted them about their thread and would like a reply, to my knowledge, does not count as friendly bumping, as it is expressing interest in the trade.
Unless, of course, you post multiple times in the thread, then you could get in trouble.
22-07-2007 16:10:45
LOL Myself and MMM just crossed posts, and said the same thing, but he isn't near as windy as me! wink
No, posting in a persons thread for a legitimate trade isn't at all considered a friendly bump, and is the proper thing to do when interested in a trade.
Margot D
22-07-2007 16:15:21
[quotefcf5958755="Margot530"]LOL Myself and MMM just crossed posts, and said the same thing, but he isn't near as windy as me! wink[/quotefcf5958755]I save my long-winded explanations for the support tickets where people can't get what I'm trying to say to them the first time, or for threads where there is something technical to explain.
But I'm glad to see that you are back to being on the site; it's helpful )
22-07-2007 16:22:37
[quote21380f114f="moviemadnessman"][quote21380f114f="Margot530"]LOL Myself and MMM just crossed posts, and said the same thing, but he isn't near as windy as me! wink[/quote21380f114f]I save my long-winded explanations for the support tickets where people can't get what I'm trying to say to them the first time, or for threads where there is something technical to explain.
But I'm glad to see that you are back to being on the site; it's helpful )[/quote21380f114f]
lol lol lol
I hear you, but sometimes I just can't help myself! Thanks, it really is great to be back!
Margot D
22-07-2007 16:50:22
food for thought anyway
when I first started PMing people I was making a text file of every name
but that soon got compleatly out of hand
posting in the thread seems the best option (much as it's not my way)
for somreason I just don't want to
yet im quick to make a new thread when somthing crosses my mind
I have also notesed we have a new/old option inside the threads
id say the forum has the coding in it
posibly just needs to be al=plied in that way
22-07-2007 18:13:47
No, we aren't going to invest the time changing how topics are displayed. It works very well as-is.
22-07-2007 18:49:59
one thing i wish FIPG did, was show the name of the last-updated thread in each forum, the way most other forums do. FIPG just shows the user who last made a post in each forum.
22-07-2007 19:01:32
I don't brows the difrent forum sections enough to have even notesed they don't do that
when I go somwhere other then the trade section
it's genrally to post a question