
Live forum:


09-07-2007 10:50:02

I am getting unwaranted PM's from people with there offers I thought this was against policy. What can I do about this?


09-07-2007 10:59:07

If you haven't posted that you would like to trade, talk to a mod!


09-07-2007 11:02:52

I'll take a look at your incoming PMs and act on them accordingly

Edit actually you have a lot of PMs. Rather than me wading through them and taking a guess, can you just PM me the usernames?


09-07-2007 14:06:16

Sorry I have deleted all he spam messages I have gotten so far (force of habit my bad). I will keep you posted on any more that I get in the future. Thanks.


09-07-2007 15:35:33

You do have an active thread in the trading post requesting people send you sites to do. Sometimes they just send them in a PM instead of posting. Sometimes both.


09-07-2007 17:52:14

I wonder if it is still considered spam when a user PM's you from your trade thread.

Specifically, my trade thread explains that I will pay for referrals on certain sites that I have listed. I get PM's stating they would like to trade and they say they are working on a site that I have listed in my thread. Are they not reading my thread and blind PM'ing me or just blind PMs? Is this considered spamming?


09-07-2007 20:04:17

I would think if you have a thread that you want to do offers. Then you open yourself to any who have offers. If you dont want to trade why are you here?


09-07-2007 20:40:14

[quoteab05c783c4="luckypenney"]I wonder if it is still considered spam when a user PM's you from your trade thread.

Specifically, my trade thread explains that I will pay for referrals on certain sites that I have listed. I get PM's stating they would like to trade and they say they are working on a site that I have listed in my thread. Are they not reading my thread and blind PM'ing me or just blind PMs? Is this considered spamming?[/quoteab05c783c4]

If you create a trade thread for specific sites or requests or payment arrangements, and you clearly state that you are not interested in doing anything but that, then it would be considered spam for people to PM you for trades that do not fit those criteria.

If, on the other hand, you post a vague trading thread asking for any sites, or just saying "hey, let's trade!" or something equally open-ended, then we would not consider it spam because you're basically inviting everybody to contact you.

So choose your words carefully in your trade thread if you expect people to do only what you specify. They're not mind readers. You should also be a little patient and cut people some slack, especially if it's just a few here and there, or a newb. If you're getting flooded, or you don't even have a trade thread at all and people are still PM'ing you for trades, then that's a real problem and we'll look into it.


10-07-2007 06:26:05

I realize I now have a trade thread about it allowing people to PM me with there offers. But i just put this on yesterday and this spamming was happening before then. I guess I got tired of it and made it so they could PM me lol.