27-06-2007 09:52:04
I sent several PM's and clicked the Attach Signature so my signature would show up at the bottom. When the PM was opened, there was no signature. I've tried several since then, but it is still not showing up.
Are we having problems on the site?
27-06-2007 10:00:20
Yeah! My pms aren't showing my signature either. Bummer!
27-06-2007 12:44:55
That would be on purpose. A recent forum code change requested by some admins, in order to reduce the gray area spamming that some folks benefit from by sending seemingly innocuous PM's with their freebie sites in their sigs.
27-06-2007 12:59:26
Ok, but if we are not allowed to include the signature in the PM, could you remove the check box on the Send PM screen?
This is misleading.
sandra habina
27-06-2007 22:03:28
Do our signatures still show up on posts? And does this mean that no signatures show up on PM's. I better pay attention huh?
Well they do show up on posts. Awesome. D
27-06-2007 22:08:06
[quoted2a93a44e3="aharleymom"]Ok, but if we are not allowed to include the signature in the PM, could you remove the check box on the Send PM screen?
This is misleading.
No, because checking the box flags the database that you wanted a sig attached. If at some point in the future we re-enabled sigs, all previous PM's with sigs attached will again redisplay the sigs.
Most folks set that checkbox on or off as a default and never look at it again, so it's not like it's any real inconvenience. Just set it to your preference and forget about it, but know that as long as the new admin override is in effect, no PM's will show.
28-06-2007 04:39:40
Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure how the database or application was setup.
28-06-2007 13:50:18
Glad it wasn't just me then. I agree. No more spam with just signatures. Good idea. wink