can anyonme please help me out?
I lost the number to INCREASE MY MARGINS, and im trying to call them.
any help?
19-06-2007 09:28:02
we don't EVER talk about cancellation here.
why? its not like I wanted to from the beginning... I just dont like the product.... Hows this then. I edited it... )
19-06-2007 09:34:25
much better )
There is a thread at the top of this forum titled "who billed me" the info might be in there
19-06-2007 10:58:07
You can also try clicking the link where you signed up to then from.
19-06-2007 22:48:43
OUCH! You might want to edit your last post also.... wink
You can do a live chat with them for free regarding any quetion or concern you have by going to http//
Hope that helps,
Margot D