email and zip submits

Live forum:


18-06-2007 11:47:50

do you know how to get email or zip submit offers to credit, like i see many of these offers in DIY and GPT sites, but there never seem to credit for me, i get the survey ones to credit, just cannot get the ones where you just submit your email or zipcode to work. is there any trick or method. please help.


18-06-2007 12:15:46

Some of those types of sites are notorious for not crediting


18-06-2007 12:22:26

I've never gotten one to work. It seems like those sites never end either.. it's just page after page of offers or junk to say yes or no to


18-06-2007 12:42:57

People ...

my best recommendation for you is to stop using them...

so far my best sites are zpts and ogf )