admin message
12-06-2007 17:13:50
getting a message saying, admin prevents you from sending pm's. i don't understand. is it because i keep both ie explorer and firefox open on the forum.
12-06-2007 17:17:50
have you been PM spamming? ( I would contact a mod and see what's up
12-06-2007 17:24:08
i have not spammed anyone, i asked KeithA if i could welcome people and that is all i have done and he said it was ok to welcome them.
12-06-2007 17:27:26
Sounds like someone didn't like the welcome wagon. ( Or, maybe they midunderstood your intentions!! I thought being welcomed was a nice gesture when I first started out.
12-06-2007 17:30:22
does anyone have an email for a mod, i can't pm so i need an email.
12-06-2007 17:51:51
We've tightened the restrictions since your conversation with KeithA. People are abusing "welcome" PMs, so in order to keep new users from being flooded with PMs, welcome PMs are included in PM spam.
I'm lifting the PM restriction, but please keep in mind that sending "welcome" PMs is no longer allowed.
12-06-2007 17:55:41
ok, thank you. it won't happen again.
12-06-2007 17:59:45
Can you send someone a PM who has posted in a forum other than the trading post?
For example, if they post in the help section and ask a question - can you PM them to answer their question and let them know you would be glad to answer any other questions or help them if they need it? (Plus, when I send a PM like this to someone who has posted in the trading post that they are new, I always tell them I am happy to help, whether or not they trade with me.)
I have not PMed anyone who hasn't either PMed me first or posted in the trading forum specifically. But I've been wondering.
12-06-2007 18:08:35
I think it is a good assumption that if they ask for something (trades, help, etc), then you can PM them in regards to that.
12-06-2007 18:12:30
If someone solicits a PM, then PM'ing them is fine. However if a newbie asks for help or has questions, why PM them? Post in the forum for all to see, so that others can benefit.
Bottom line is if there is a valid justification for a PM, then by all means PM. Just be sure that you can defend it beyond just a "welcome." Honestly, newbies don't need to be bogged down with welcome PM's, it's intimidating to many and let's be honest -- most "welcome" PM's are obviously an attempt to get a leg up on trading.
We're not trying to restrict general PM'ing, only those that are obvious [i6b4f33f5ab]spam[/i6b4f33f5ab] (as in, an unsolicited PM for the purpose profiting) or those that try to be clever but can be construed as underhanded spam attempts.
12-06-2007 18:30:01
[quote8184c6b582="dmorris68"]...or those that try to be clever but can be construed as underhanded spam attempts.[/quote8184c6b582]
In my oh-so-humble opinion, anyone sending a welcome PM who has offers listed in his/her signature is probably guilty of this.
I hate to say it - but I did actually send ONE welcome message. It was to a new user in Tampa who had posted in someone else's trade thread and I really only said welcome, good luck and have fun to a fellow Floridian - but there were offers in my sig at the time...[/size8184c6b582] oops
12-06-2007 19:01:47
One demerit. ;)
[quote3acbcf8a5a="skepticalcynic"]In my oh-so-humble opinion, anyone sending a welcome PM who has offers listed in his/her signature is probably guilty of this.[/quote3acbcf8a5a]
12-06-2007 19:19:04
same thing happened to me! I dont really get it though. When I was new it was helpful having people who were willing to help. I have a question though...if a newbie post in the trading forum and then you send them a welcome pm is that still considered spamming? Also, how long will I be blocked from sending pms?
12-06-2007 19:26:04
Hey, shorten that sig down.
sandra habina
13-06-2007 02:34:23
Now wait - I have sent welcome PM's - that offer advice on reading the rules, stickys and checking into the help forum, and working with a trusted trader. I do not tell them I can get them money or trade with them, I do not ask them if they would like to trade with me.
I tell them that I will do my best to answer their questions. IS THIS WRONG NOW??
PS My sites are in my signature, but I do not point them out. I do not mention them. Am I guilty? I really do enjoy helping people to succeed. If the sites are removed then - is this still SPAM???
I want to add that most traders thank me for the welcome and advice, we chat a few times and I answer their questions. Some come back to trade and some do not. I have met many friends this way and I have never traded with them but we still chat and help each other. I am confused and sorrowed by this new announcement.
Please clarify this for me.
13-06-2007 02:56:58
[quote9dfe378ce9="sandra habina"]Now wait - I have sent welcome PM's - that offer advice on reading the rules, stickys and checking into the help forum, and working with a trusted trader. I do not tell them I can get them money or trade with them, I do not ask them if they would like to trade with me.
I tell them that I will do my best to answer their questions. IS THIS WRONG NOW??
PS My sites are in my signature, but I do not point them out. I do not mention them. Am I guilty? I really do enjoy helping people to succeed. If the sites are removed then - is this still SPAM???
I want to add that most traders thank me for the welcome and advice, we chat a few times and I answer their questions. Some come back to trade and some do not. I have met many friends this way and I have never traded with them but we still chat and help each other. I am confused and sorrowed by this new announcement.
Please clarify this for me.[/quote9dfe378ce9]
Yes, any unsolicited PMs sent to users are now considered spam. Too many people have abused the idea of a "welcome" PM, several new users have complained about receiving them, and PM inboxes are being flooded.
As dmorris said, questions from new people should be fielded in the Help forum, so that the questions and answers are viewable to everyone, and the same questions won't get asked over and over.
13-06-2007 02:58:40
[quote465bbc250d="THilliard80"]same thing happened to me! I dont really get it though. When I was new it was helpful having people who were willing to help. I have a question though...if a newbie post in the trading forum and then you send them a welcome pm is that still considered spamming? Also, how long will I be blocked from sending pms?[/quote465bbc250d]
Newbies will still have access to the Help forum, where they can ask questions and get them answered.
If a newbie posts in the trading forum looking for trades, and you PM them with a relevant offer, that would obviously not be unsolicited, so that would be fine.
13-06-2007 07:35:49
Ok but how can we get in trouble for something that has not been updated? If you read the pm spamming rules and consequences it DOES NOT say anything about welcome pms. So how can I get in trouble for something I did not know about?
13-06-2007 07:43:44
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
13-06-2007 07:51:08
14) Do not spam other users via PM! PM spam is defined as ANY unsolicited PMs sent to another user for the intent of establishing a relationship to gain an advantage for trading. Some examples would be sending a referral link along with a cash offer,[bfa14e860ee] a "welcome" message sent to new users as soon as they join[/bfa14e860ee], etc. The moderators reserve the right to interpret the PM as they see fit. If you there is any doubt as to whether or not your PM will be considered spam, ask a moderator first!
edit I'm lifting your PM restrictions, but please don't PM spam going forward, now that the definition has been clarified.
13-06-2007 15:28:59
Thank you
28-06-2007 16:04:20
Also, I'm not sure if this belongs in this thread but i set up a [i4272a35290]trade[/i4272a35290] thread and at least 90% of the people that pm'd me were offering cash and saying that whole "First, I would just like to say WELCOME" bit. I didn't ask for cash and I have been here for over two years.
28-06-2007 16:14:22
I think the no Welcome PM thing is good. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't trust anyone doing it. It sounds pretty dumb of me now but I tried working with a couple people who Pmed me when I was first starting offering help and I accepted only to have trades from hell with them. It's been months and I'm still trying to straighten it out. I urge everyone to thoroughly research the people you are trading with too. It's too bad legitimately friendly and helpful people can't PM but there's plenty of room in the forum for helping everyone.
Big War Bird
28-06-2007 16:21:39
This need to written into the stickied rules. As of right now this stickied rules thread
Says [bdb14570b99]you can welcome new users and offer to help[/bdb14570b99]
28-06-2007 16:37:58
[quotebabc5d2221="Big War Bird"]This need to written into the stickied rules. As of right now this stickied rules thread
Says [bbabc5d2221]you can welcome new users and offer to help[/bbabc5d2221][/quotebabc5d2221]
Is the sticky going to be updated with the new no PM welcoming rule?
28-06-2007 17:48:03
Fixed. Thanks for looking out.