A quick pictorial guide to clearing cookies

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=63294

Easy Bling

29-05-2007 10:34:47

I made a pictorial guide to clearing cookies for both firefox and IE. I used the first part of TSJ's guide to ensuring credit to help with IE (Here[=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=41256]Here). Anyways here they are

Click which browser you have Firefox[=http//img="160.imageshack.us" alt=""/img160/7571/untitled4na5.jpg]Firefox or Internet Explorer[=http//img="339.imageshack.us" alt=""/img339/5775/tutorial3bu9.jpg]Internet Explorer.

Some people said that they had trouble viewing it. If it's all fuzzy, click on the image once to bring it to it's maximum resolution.

Feedback is highly encouraged. Thanks!


29-05-2007 10:39:10

Nice work, good info for those who don't know

Easy Bling

29-05-2007 11:03:16

Thanks! I'm trying to make guides a little less wordy so that people will actually look at them and not just browse through them.


29-05-2007 14:02:32

Awesome job. I will definitely direct newbies to this!!!


29-05-2007 14:42:07

Nice job - just started using Firefox and it definitely helped!


29-05-2007 15:20:12

We did have an earlier tutorial on this[=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=41256]earlier tutorial on this, but there's never too much coverage on this issue. )


29-05-2007 19:34:38

the easiest way to clear cookies is by downloading CCleaner. All you do is press analyze and clean. Thats it. D


29-05-2007 19:55:03

[quote888e987d27="kidd2108"]the easiest way to clear cookies is by downloading CCleaner. All you do is press analyze and clean. Thats it. D[/quote888e987d27]

yes this is agood program.. ..

you can use Firefox .. put it on AUTOMATIC CLEAR COOCKIES
at firefox close ..
under is infomation ... please look .. very good every you close firefox .. it will automatic help you Clear Cookies
Thanks IMG
http//hieuthuy.somee.com/firefox.jpg[" alt=""/img888e987d27]

Easy Bling

29-05-2007 21:48:37

I want to make more guides so that newbies will have an easier time find all the information they need. It's hard when you're new and get excited about a legitimate way to make money online that you really don't want to read more into, but just dive in and start making money. So, hopefully you'll see more pictorial guides to make a newbie's life a little bit easier )

Thanks for all the feedback/input thus far!