24-05-2007 18:01:48
I've been trying to get in contact with this company for over a month and they just keep charging me with no respose to voicemails or emails (when that page actually works)
help ?
24-05-2007 18:15:20
Hey tinkerjenn try this number it worked great for me!
[be6083080e5]ATHOMEREWARDS+ 877-636-6858[/be6083080e5][/sizee6083080e5]
if that helps you out karma would be nice...
24-05-2007 18:26:21
they gave me the full year at no charge and the $25 gift card for my inconvenience!
nurse 29
28-05-2007 21:24:08
Hey! They all give grief to a certain extent but, most have been helpful...except At home rewards...never was compensated. Are there ANY sites that I can go into and set up on my own? This is my very first attempt! You know, where I will pay on approval, etc. Can anyone help?
30-05-2007 11:38:24
So did you have a bad phone number? I've always had hassle free experiences with all the dealpass offers...
I actually used At Home Rewards to by a bunch of Menards Gift Cards at a discount and used them for a home improvement project. Saved like $50 in the process.
31-05-2007 02:25:39
Does anyone know why they don't offer their service to all states? Seems odd. Passport to Fun and some others do it too.