my trade module not working correctly

Live forum:


21-05-2007 08:02:09

I have done 11 trades on this forum before, and I always do them the same way....I click on the SN of the person who has agreed to trade with me, and then I click on the "initiate trade with this user" link....but now I am getting a popup that says "trade has failed tried to trade with yourself, and a couple other reasons that don't make any sense.....i am just confused...I think I am doing it right, unless the method for setting up a trade changed and i haven't noticed since then
please help!!!


21-05-2007 08:13:50

well I read the sticky about trade modules, and fixed my privacy levels down to medium and VOILA it worked....I shoulda read that first huh? oops


21-05-2007 20:33:46

Glad you got it fixed. It has happened to a lot of people before you. )