08-05-2007 18:57:37
Just wondering if they send out confirmation e-mails or what because it has been two days since I signed up for it and I never got credit for it or a conformation e-mail. How long should I wait to receive a conformation e-mail?!?! If I don't get one what should I do?!? I have a screen shot that says that I have signed up for the site (it has my ip address and what time I signed up for it at) can I send that in instead of a header to the confirmation e-mail?
Any help would be helpful.
08-05-2007 19:03:16
1. I got mine within a few hours, I would call them and tell them you never did, they will be more than happy (usually) to send you another.
2. A screen shot doesn't proof nothing, due to the sites only get credit from their affiliates if you did the offer correctly with all cookies set right and whatnot, and a picture won't proof one thing, besides you 'attempted' the offer...
08-05-2007 19:23:56
Thanks for the help, I guess I will call them Wednesday morning during their business hours +karma.
10-05-2007 08:50:40
I did not want to create a new thread dedicated to this but, I called up customer service and asked them if they could send me a conformation e-mail and I was told that they do not send them. What should I do? Was the guy lying to me?!
10-05-2007 09:26:06
[quotec6ba590f44="hitnaui"]I did not want to create a new thread dedicated to this but, I called up customer service and asked them if they could send me a conformation e-mail and I was told that they do not send them. What should I do? Was the guy lying to me?![/quotec6ba590f44]
No he was not lying, there's nothing you can really do if you cleared your cookies and all that right your offer should of credit by now.