Tips On Time Limted Trades For Both New People & Est Tra
27-04-2007 10:41:52
It has recently come up in a thread that time limits can be a confusing issue and lead to trouble for both the initiator and receiver of the trade.
I am going to try and point out some general guidelines that new people should make certain they take to heart to cover themselves, and established traders should follow so as not to get accused of wrong doing.
1. New people, always make sure you understand exactly what the conditions of the time limits mean.
2. Established traders always state in the trade module your exact terms. Ie. if not green by x date then you will not be paid, and I reserve the right to cancel. There is plenty of room to do this.
3. New people, please realize that accepting a time limit constraint for greening or not getting paid, is not in your best interest, as you may have to put in for a manual credit.
4. Established traders, if you want to use a time limit to make sure the person gets signed up and trys to green as soon as possible, then state so. ie. must sign up within x amount of hours and attempt to green or I reserve the right to cancel.
Other terms that can be stated are "if no contact" "need green in x amount of hours, will not wait for manual credit." "20 on green if in 12 hours, 15 if takes longer." etc... Just always make sure you state exactly what the terms of the trade are.
It is not fair to new people, to have a time limit on the trade module, and not explain exactly what will happen if the time constraint is not met. Even if you explain it in a PM, it would be wise to cover yourself by adding it to the TM.
If the person agrees to these "precise" terms that you spell out, then no blame or accusations of unfairness can be made and have support. It covers everyone.
If I have missed anything, please add to this...I would appreciate it greatly! D
Margot 8)
27-04-2007 11:06:15
[quote8f94862bf2="Margot530"]It has recently come up in a thread that time limits can be a confusing issue and lead to trouble for both the initiator and receiver of the trade.
I am going to try and point out some general guidelines that new people should make certain they take to heart to cover themselves, and established traders should follow so as not to get accused of wrong doing.
1. New people, always make sure you understand exactly what the conditions of the time limits mean.
2. Established traders always state in the trade module your exact terms. Ie. if not green by x date then you will not be paid, and I reserve the right to cancel. There is plenty of room to do this.
3. New people, please realize that accepting a time limit constraint for greening or not getting paid, is not in your best interest, as you may have to put in for a manual credit.
4. Established traders, if you want to use a time limit to make sure the person gets signed up and trys to green as soon as possible, then state so. ie. must sign up within x amount of hours and attempt to green or I reserve the right to cancel.
Other terms that can be stated are "if no contact" "need green in x amount of hours, will not wait for manual credit." "20 on green if in 12 hours, 15 if takes longer." etc... Just always make sure you state exactly what the terms of the trade are.
It is not fair to new people, to have a time limit on the trade module, and not explain exactly what will happen if the time constraint is not met. Even if you explain it in a PM, it would be wise to cover yourself by adding it to the TM.
If the person agrees to these "precise" terms that you spell out, then no blame or accusations of unfairness can be made and have support. It covers everyone.
If I have missed anything, please add to this...I would appreciate it greatly! D
Margot 8)[/quote8f94862bf2]
I don't think time limit trades make sense. As I stated before crediting is hit or miss. I think when I green, I get paid unless stated after approval.... Time limit trades need to be banned from the forum, fipg as well as Af4 and freelunchroom and referralswapper need 24/7 trade moderators who crack down on this crap..... warn everyone who does it and then if they continue...ban them.
27-04-2007 11:22:24
I understand most of your reasoning, but I think some time limits do have there place, For me personally, it would be the one that encourages a person who wanted the trade to sign up and attempt to green within a reasonable period of time.
And until or if the rules are changed, I hope that the guidelines will help protect those that use them and are given them.
Margot wink
27-04-2007 15:39:44
Time limit trades do have their place. If you don't like them, then don't agree to do them, and you'll be fine. But others have the right to make whatever limits work for them and their trading partners. As long as both parties agree, why should you care??
27-04-2007 17:45:18
I like the idea of time protects us from people who say "yeah, I'll do it" then leave you hanging for weeks, sometimes signing up at your site, sometimes not even doing that. I know there's a procedure for deleting trades (where you send PMs once in the first 7 days and again in the next 7 and can delete if you get no response). But I've had situations where I [icc1f84499e]did[/icc1f84499e] get a response like "yeah, I'm busy, I'll do it soon", then again leave me hanging for another week. This can conceivably go on indefinitely if there's no time limit in place. After this happened to me several times, I now always set a time limit. It's totally reasonable to require a green within a week or two, when I was greening for people, it usually took less than 24 hrs. If a manual credit is needed, that's a whole other situation that's out of everyone's control and I make exceptions for that. But I really think that if you agree to a trade, there's just no reason to wait days to complete an offer. If you have the time to sign up at the site, just go ahead and do an offer, it takes minutes. It's just in everyone's best interest to go green asap, you get paid (unless you're waiting for approval), everyone gets good feedback and TR, it's a win/win situation. That's my opinion, anyway... )
27-04-2007 17:48:46
Nice guide! Maybe this will cover some of the confusion )
27-04-2007 22:10:56
Very nice Margo. Personally, I find things like green in 24 or 48 hours to be a little unreasonable, but 1-2 weeks is fine.
Sometimes people want time limits because they need to finish a site by the 30th to get paid the following 15th or finish by Friday to get paid in two weeks. Things like that.
29-04-2007 08:02:41
Thank you sugartaspice.
You all have very valid examples of how time limits can be beneficial for each trader!
And I do hope that people will read this and be responsible with the use of time limits. Also any added advice, or something I may not have covered would be great to hear!
Thanks so much wink
29-04-2007 11:43:53
I agree with the time limits. I have had people drag this out for weeks. When I was greening for people, I would not accept a trade if I could not do it the same day or the day after. I personally could not keep someone waiting endlessly. A reasonable time limit has to be set or you will be taken advantage of.
That's my 2 cents
03-05-2007 06:01:23
[quote00000b1968="Denise07"]I agree with the time limits. I have had people drag this out for weeks. When I was greening for people, I would not accept a trade if I could not do it the same day or the day after. I personally could not keep someone waiting endlessly. A reasonable time limit has to be set or you will be taken advantage of.
That's my 2 cents[/quote00000b1968]
Very conscientious of you Denise, and I agree. I often have done an extra offer to get the trade done and not leave people waiting...if they aren't in a hurry, and communicate that to me, I may submit a manual credit if it doesn't green within a reasonable time....but, seems like every time I have done that, the other offer credits... roll D A waste of offers, but it gets the job done.
Margot wink
04-05-2007 07:39:41
Time limits can be very beneficial, whether as an incentive for more money, or to limit the time the trade is in limbo. You make a VERY good point, however It is what the initiator and receiver AGREE upon. That's trading!
Time limits are an integral part of our lives (whether personal, as in due dates for bills, or in business, as in a lesser cost if paid in full within a certain time frame). Unlike my examples, though, trade terms are set by the initiator, but can be accepted, denied, or counter-offered by the receiver. This way, both sides get the terms they want.
Communication is key here. Initiators need to spell out and record the time limits in the trade module. The receiver needs to keep the initiator informed on the progress. Only in this way can the exceptions be granted. All of us who have multiple trades under our belt have been on both ends where someone is waiting on you, or you are waiting on someone. As long as the communication is there, and the terms of the trade are met, there are no confusions and everyone stays happy, even if the time limit got blown.
Excellent thread, Margot! Keep it up!