Credit for Completing Offers

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17-04-2007 12:10:27

I am doing offers that say they will credit instantly, but they are not. WHY???


17-04-2007 12:28:47

It really depends on the site and the offer. If it doesn't credit in 24 hours, you should sumbit a manual credit request


17-04-2007 12:37:39

Actually, don't submit a manual credit request until you've waited the required time period by the respective site's erms of Service. Otherwise you may jeopardize them closing the ticket without any further action. Most 'instant' credits do credit instantly. When they don't it's usually because of the affiliate dragging their feet, or more often than not, the cookies weren't cleared or you didn't wait at the offer confirmation page long enough before closing it.


17-04-2007 13:00:36

If you clear your cookies and temp files each time before you go to a site to do an offer and wait for the confirmation (receipt) page to fully load, it will USUALLY work.

That said, sometimes it just doesn't - that's what the missing credit request is for. Most sites require you to wait 7 days, others 15, and some earlier. Check the site's TOS for the limit.



17-04-2007 13:49:50

[quoteb6fdab0fcf="laurelwm"]If you clear your cookies and temp files each time before you go to a site to do an offer and wait for the confirmation (receipt) page to fully load, it will USUALLY work.

That said, sometimes it just doesn't - that's what the missing credit request is for. Most sites require you to wait 7 days, others 15, and some earlier. Check the site's TOS for the limit.


Good advice.


17-04-2007 14:34:38


Read this and follow it to a T, you should be good. Margot530 suggest you search for "hidden" cookies also. I've never had a problem with those though. Her thread is


19-04-2007 03:35:12

thank you so much


22-04-2007 00:04:12

If you're in a hurry, instant credit really means it can be 2 hours or more without being a problem. After 12-24 hours some sites will let you do manual credits, others are 7 days...etc like they mentioned above.