Need to learn freebie lingo? here R a few terms & pics
13-04-2007 01:12:35
[b8f3ab58ffb]Explanation of Terms[/size8f3ab58ffb][/b8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]Going green[/b8f3ab58ffb]= complete the web-site’s requirements for the credits needed for the referrer to get credit for you. This is also what you need to do if you go to a site unrefereed to get credit for yourself, so that when you bring in the required amount of referrals you can submit your order because you also need to be green to cash out. However you do not need to be green first only by the time you are ready to turn in your order to the website owners.
http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]Ref for ref, & green for green[/b8f3ab58ffb] You become a referral and agree to go green as shown above for someone’s websites in return for the same service on your websites. This is usually less costly and will get you more referrals faster.
[b8f3ab58ffb]Cash for green, & pay on green[/b8f3ab58ffb] Someone offers to pay you X amount of cash for you to sign up on one of the websites they need completed with the required amount of referrals to earn their free gift or cash.. (i.e. they pay you to go green) For Example this is from again and are two of my referrals I paid.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]On approval[/b8f3ab58ffb] When you turn in your order all your referrals including you will go through an approval process by the site to determine if anyone has violated the terms of service. If they have all passed then it will say “Approved” and tell you when to expect your free gift.. This is an example of one order that has passed approval; you can expect to get paid from this site twice a month. Not all sites pay this slow, many pay instantly or in a few days like
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]Going Red[/b8f3ab58ffb] The picture below is what your account will look like when someone gets put on hold by not passing approval; when you do not pass approval you will have nice message across the screen that says something like “your referral has violated our terms of service and has been placed on hold” and give you a reason” sometimes the referral made an honest mistake and can fix it, but in most cases they are banned from that site and it will say “on hold” for nicer terms.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
When this happens you will see a message under the list of referrals with an explanation from the admin staff. Some sites will not process until you either find a replacement for the referral that did not pass or the referral fixes the mistake that caused them to be placed on hold, or you resubmit the order without those that did not pass approval.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]Not Completed Website Requirements[/b8f3ab58ffb] The picture below is what your account will look like on some sites, when you have not yet completed the website requirements for credit.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]Paying for green on approval[/b8f3ab58ffb] You are being paid after the site approves the account, the person you went green for wants to wait and make sure you do not go red before paying you, or cannot pay you until the site has confirmed that she/he is going to receive money.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]Cash on payout[/b8f3ab58ffb] This is when the website pays us via pay pal for our referrals that we turned in for our prize, at that time we then pay our referrals. An example is shown below;
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]“TR” (Trade Record)[/b8f3ab58ffb] = X amount of completed trades. How do you get credit for a completed trade? Once the trade is completed both parties request TR in the trading module and the forum moderators look at it, if everyone has done their part they give you credit and the number is automatically added to your profile.
[b8f3ab58ffb]“Pimping your green” [/b8f3ab58ffb]no this does not mean pay a pimp to do this; this means you are just here to make some extra cash by selling your greens to traders whom need them with no desire to work a site for a free prize or lump sum.
As requested by gator1002 on FIPG Forum
[b8f3ab58ffb] "Bump"[/b8f3ab58ffb] Because of the amount of usage the forum gets our threads that we create, like this one, get buried under the first page and most people don't go to page two to view posts and threads So we bump them back to page one by replying to our own threads. Get it bump, bumpity bump, bump back to the top.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
[b8f3ab58ffb]"Cookies"[/b8f3ab58ffb]Problems with Cookies
Cookies are not a perfect state mechanism, but they certainly make a lot of things possible that would be impossible otherwise. Here are several of the things that make cookies imperfect.
li People often share machines - Any machine that is used in a public area, and many machines used in an office environment or at home, are shared by multiple people. Let's say that you use a public machine (in a library, for example) to purchase something from an online store. The store will leave a cookie on the machine, and someone could later try to purchase something from the store using your account. Stores usually post large warnings about this problem, and that is why. Even so, mistakes can happen. For example, I had once used my wife's machine to purchase something from Amazon. Later, she visited Amazon and clicked the "one-click" button, not realizing that it really does allow the purchase of a book in exactly one click.
On something like a Windows NT machine or a UNIX machine that uses accounts properly, this is not a problem. The accounts separate all of the users' cookies. Accounts are much more relaxed in other operating systems, and it is a problem.
If you try the example above on a public machine, and if other people using the machine have visited the same website, then the history URL may show a very long list of files.
li Cookies get erased - If you have a problem with your browser probably the first thing to do is to erase all of the temporary Internet files on your machine and delete your cookies. When you do that, you lose all of your cookie files. Now when you visit a site again, that site will think you are a new user and assign you a new cookie. This tends to skew the site's record of new versus return visitors, and it also can make it hard for you to recover previously stored preferences. This is why sites ask you to register in some cases -- if you register with a user name and a password, you can log in, even if you lose your cookie file, and restore your preferences. If preference values are stored directly on the machine, then recovery is impossible. That is why many sites now store all user information in a central database and store only an ID value on the user's machine.
If you erase your cookie file for a website and then revisit the history URL in the previous section, you will find that it has no history for you. The site has to create a new ID and cookie file for you, and that new ID has no data stored against it in the database.
li Multiple machines - People often use more than one machine during the day. For example, I have a machine in the office, a machine at home and a laptop for the road. Unless the site is specifically engineered to solve the problem, I will have three unique cookie files on all three machines. Any site that I visit from all three machines will track me as three separate users. It can be annoying to set preferences three times. Again, a site that allows registration and stores preferences centrally may make it easy for me to have the same account on three machines, but the site developers must plan for this when designing the site.
If you visit the history URL demonstrated in the previous section from one machine and then try it again from another, you will find that your history lists are different. This is because the server created two IDs for you, one on each machine.
There are probably not any easy solutions to these problems, except asking users to register and storing everything in a central database.
When you register with the offer registration system, the problem is solved in the following way The site remembers your cookie value and stores it with your registration information. If you take the time to log in from any other machine (or a machine that has lost its cookie files), then the server will modify the cookie file on that machine to contain the ID associated with your registration information. You can therefore have multiple machines with the same ID value. (compliments of
From Mirage777 on freelunchroom
A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet. Proxy servers hide your real IP address and thereby prevent unauthorized access to your computer through the Internet. Proxy servers do not provide anyone with your IP address and effectively hide any information about you.
In fact, many people can use a proxy server, so there may be 10 different people going through a proxy server, but only 1 IP is used.
Okay...this is probably the closest picture i can find to represent a proxy.
[img="8f3ab58ffb]http//[" alt=""/img8f3ab58ffb]
But instead of LAN...LAN = Your ISP, like AOL or Netzero, or any ISP that uses a proxy.
You would dialup and the proxy server would do all your web requests. As you can see, even though there are two clients, when they go to the Internet, it is seen only from 1 IP. So freebie sites can't determine who's doing what.
I hope this has helped you it is constantly going through updates, if you need a term clarified please pm me with your question and I will research the answer and ad it. If you see a term missing and would like to add your two cents please pm me and I will add it and list your name in the credits.
Written by
Updated 4/10/2007
AIM user name=PJsPlace48
I also am working on freebie trading instructions with pictures for those visual learners as myself, it is incomplete because I am constantly changing it for the better as new information on how to do things better is obtained.[/color8f3ab58ffb] lol
13-04-2007 04:18:14
If your going to have a list add the term BUMP. I have seen this one asked several times
13-04-2007 04:24:59
nice work!
13-04-2007 07:06:21
[b73c666fcdc]On approval[/b73c666fcdc] When you turn in your order all your referrals including you will go through an approval process by the site to determine if anyone has violated the terms of service. If they have all passed then it will say “Approved” and tell you when to expect your free gift.. This is an example of one order that has passed approval; you can expect to get paid from this site on or around the 20th of the following month from when you cashed out. Seems like a long time but I like knowing I have money coming in the following month while I work other websites that pay this month, so the trick is to work on each type at the same time.
Newbies should be aware that not all sites pay this slowly. CustomOrderThis and YourGiftsFree both approval in one business day (COT once paid me in [b73c666fcdc]17 minutes[/b73c666fcdc] !!). Trainn approves in 5-7 business days and pays out PayPal on the next Wed. or Sat. (usually). V-bux usually approves and pays within a week. Very few sites take a month or more to pay.
13-04-2007 07:31:19
yeah I saw that to but didnt think about it. I just dont do sites that take that long to pay. I was under 1 hour with cot but I had to go fax off an w-9 so that slowed them down. lol
13-04-2007 09:29:58
[b43e547f7a9]On approval[/b43e547f7a9] When you turn in your order all your referrals including you will go through an approval process by the site to determine if anyone has violated the terms of service. If they have all passed then it will say “Approved” and tell you when to expect your free gift.. [b43e547f7a9]This is an example [/b43e547f7a9]of one order that has passed approval; you can expect to get paid from this site on or around the 20th of the following month from when you cashed out. Seems like a long time but I like knowing I have money coming in the following month while I[b43e547f7a9] work other websites that pay this month, so the trick is to work on each type at the same time. [/b43e547f7a9]
Newbies should be aware that not all sites pay this slowly. CustomOrderThis and YourGiftsFree both approval in one business day (COT once paid me in [b43e547f7a9]17 minutes[/b43e547f7a9] !!). Trainn approves in 5-7 business days and pays out PayPal on the next Wed. or Sat. (usually). V-bux usually approves and pays within a week. Very few sites take a month or more to pay.
Laurel[/quote43e547f7a9]a few means three! I think there are more than three that take that long.. My advice to newbies before doing a site that takes that long is to ask when they pay before doing them if they are not willing to wait that long. Granted I don't usually do them either just for that reason, and has been known to pay right after approval and you are able to work the site over and over.... the reality is you need to be patient it is all about waiting.
Like I said it is just an example to go with the pictures. some people learn better by seeing.
13-04-2007 10:31:55
Newbies should be aware that not all sites pay this slowly. CustomOrderThis and YourGiftsFree both approval in one business day (COT once paid me in [b68fc3ddcb2]17 minutes[/b68fc3ddcb2] !!). Trainn approves in 5-7 business days and pays out PayPal on the next Wed. or Sat. (usually). V-bux usually approves and pays within a week. Very few sites take a month or more to pay.
Didn't Trainn change their approval time to 2-4 business days? I don't remember if that was posted on april 1st or not though @__@
13-04-2007 10:35:41
Just checked, it was posted on March 31st under a thread where someone was asking about approval times. Alan said 2-4 business days for approval times on Trainn now.
13-04-2007 11:05:37
I just sent in for approval on a trainn site. It still says 5-7 buisness days
13-04-2007 11:53:29
My sister movinforward said the same thing gator1002 said, she has not seen the evidence yet
13-04-2007 12:22:18
Your sister is movinforward??? Im sorry'''' LOl.
13-04-2007 15:24:24
Yeah sigh. I sent in approval for dvdrecorders4free 2 days ago and was hoping it'd be done by next tuesday so that I could order and get my paypal on wednesday. Guess that might not be happening after all (
13-04-2007 15:28:49
Great advice, Sticky? +KMA
13-04-2007 19:53:16
[quote832c0b7519="gator1002"]Your sister is movinforward??? Im sorry'''' LOl.[/quote832c0b7519]
Why are you sorry? I don't get your reply... ) she started this first so she is one step ahead of me hence the name.. but is now like 70 steps ahead haha.
13-04-2007 19:55:35
[quotebba7a295a9="DIABLO"]Great advice, Sticky? +KMA[/quotebba7a295a9]
Sticky wow, That would be nice, thanks for mentioning it.
sandra habina
14-04-2007 01:12:20
Nice work. This will be very helpful to alot of people. Thankyou.
17-04-2007 14:17:37
hi can someone hit me with karma please
21-04-2007 11:41:23
bumping for the new users
23-04-2007 20:33:22
Bumping for the newbies to see
26-04-2007 14:36:35
Very helpful post. Nice work
26-04-2007 14:51:13
[quotee6ffedea32="onestepback"]hi can someone hit me with karma please[/quotee6ffedea32] friendly bump, but I might as well answere this to. Why would anyone give you Karma. I meen I really do want to know. If its deserved I will give it to you. If its not why would you ask for it.
26-04-2007 19:43:45
You don't think this thread is helpful to you in particluar then don't give me karma )
If it helps anyone else like the new people, as I hope it does, then they can give me karma , I am just trying to help them understand and become better traders this helps everyone in the long run wouldn't you say?
26-04-2007 19:52:45
I was only pulling your leg, and I did give you Karma. I see you spent alot of time on this and Im sure it will be helpful to all newbies. Sorry for my dry humer. Guess you would just have to be here.
27-04-2007 18:29:16
Ok let go of the leg your are stretching longer than the other one... lol
Aw I am beginning to understand you better now... ok you know what they say about paybacks lol
28-04-2007 09:14:14
I guess I should be looking over my sholder from now on..
08-05-2007 16:43:21
[quotee4bec776c5="gator1002"]I guess I should be looking over my sholder from now on..[/quotee4bec776c5]
LOL you just never know )