I'm new and ready to start tradeing

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=59419


11-04-2007 16:44:52

D Hi i'm new and ready to get started. readyone10


11-04-2007 16:57:34

Welcome to the forum! Make sure you read all the rules, FAQs, guidelines, Stickies, and browse the Help section. You'll be working with a lot of great people who love to help if you have any questions ) Have fun and I look forward to working with you!

Big War Bird

11-04-2007 17:14:48

Welcome, Please read my guide to making money here and click on the big red box tio learn the ropes. Once you have done that click on my trading thread and read my offer.

Good Luck!


11-04-2007 17:27:46

Please read the rules. Please read the stickies. Please delete your cookies. Please ask alot of questions. We were all new once too.

\m/ (oo) \m/


11-04-2007 19:47:59

Welcome to the Forum. As has been said before - Read, Read, Read.

Feel free to PM me if you want to get started with a couple of sites. I'd be glad to help you with any questions or anything you might have.


sandra habina

11-04-2007 22:03:04

Welcome, ask questions. Find experienced traders to work with. PM me if I can answer anything for you. I have many sites to get you started.


12-04-2007 23:50:22

Welcome to FiPG!

First, make sure you read all the rules and stuff, and the helpful stuff in Help! PM me with any questions you may have, and I also have some sites you can get your feet wet on if you are interested. Always here to help! D


13-04-2007 05:38:38

Welcome to the site!
Like everyone else said read everything before trading!! If you have read the rules and such and are interested in a trade pm me, I will help you in any way I can!



13-04-2007 07:08:59

[quotedbd17a0107="njwalter2004"]Welcome to the site!
Like everyone else said read everything before trading!! If you have read the rules and such and are interested in a trade pm me, I will help you in any way I can!


Please be aware that two traders who both have a TR of less than 4 should not trade with each other. No offense, NJ, but readyone should not trade with you until one of you had a higher TR.
