advice on posting a trade

Live forum:


02-04-2007 11:04:17

When I post in the tradin post is this what it should look like?Im willing to pay you for your green .........I will pay as soon as you green if interested in making some cash please pm me.......Im paying $20.00 on pm me if interested...............Thank you Becky


02-04-2007 11:06:04

This belongs in the "Trading Post" forum, you also need to state which sites and how much you're paying for each of them.


02-04-2007 12:45:46

[quote9325990065="DIABLO"]This belongs in the "Trading Post" forum, you also need to state which sites and how much you're paying for each of them.[/quote9325990065]

I thought the same thing, until I read what she was asking.

It's just your subject TITLE that is incorrect for this area. Perhaps edit it and change the title to "Advice on Posting a Trade." or something simular )

To start, I'd look at the trades that are posted. Take format ideas that you like, and experiment with your own look.

Good Luck Becky wink
