30-03-2007 09:03:00
I know we can't complete the same offer more than once, but I wanted to know if that means individual offers or offers from the same company.
For example, Celladerm has Acne Treatment, Anti-Wrinkle cream and Self Tanning Mousse. Can I complete all 3 offers or can I only complete one?
I completed Auto and when I completed Homes I didn't get credit for it. I wasn't sure how that worked.
Any insight would be appreciated.
30-03-2007 09:17:04
I have done all of those different products and nothing bad has happened to me as far as going on hold.
Since they are three different products I always assume it was fine.
30-03-2007 10:37:25
The only ones I've had trouble with has been with the Bargain Network ones... They have the original and then the "II" series. I tried signing up with the second and wouldn't let me becuase it said my card was already on file.
30-03-2007 10:41:03
I've done all three at the same time with no problem.
sandra habina
30-03-2007 10:41:28
I believe each is considered a different offer even if it is the same company. However I did have the same experience with Bargain Network, only one credited. Good Luck Dawn
30-03-2007 11:42:52
Thanks for the replies everyone. It looks like Bargain is one offer per company. Are there any other offers that are the same? What about the Psychic ones?
Maybe if there's a few, we can compile a list for everyone so that we aren't wasting our time on offers we can't do???
30-03-2007 12:31:55
I have also done all those offers and they all credited and I had no problem. Thanks
01-04-2007 20:27:27
I actually read somewhere that if you clear your cookies you can do bargain netwok II offers also I think it was in the 2dollardeal section of the forum
here it is http//
sandra habina
01-04-2007 20:36:07
I have heard that the Free Credit Score offers are the same company. So you can only do one of them.
01-04-2007 21:47:46
This info is from site owners....
You can do each of the Bargins once except Bargin Homes I and II. You can only do one Bargin Home offer ever. Other Bargin Network offers are The Price store and Hud Homes Now, you can do each of these also.
Advantage Language and Advantage Language II, are the same offer, and per a site owner, will cause a fraud/red/hold, if you try to do both.
My personal experience, even with clearing cookies and files, is that while you are a member of Bargin Cars, for example, it will show you already have an account if you try to do another Bargin offer. If you are no longer a member, you can complete another Bargin offer. This does not apply to The Price Store or Hud Homes Now.
There are also 2 credit report offers on some sites that are disguised to appear as separate offers, but if you look closely, you will see they are both by Run My Credit Report or RMCR and have identical cs numbers, offer the exact same service and have identical TOS. I can't confirm that they are indeed the same offer, but better to error on the side of caution and verify that it isn't with the site owner, in their forum, so that if you get the green light on it, and later go red, you will have a means to remedy the situation. In fact if you have doubts about any offer, I would recommend you do that. And if you don't get an answer, don't do the offer. Wait until you are sure.
Hope I helped D
Margot 8)
02-04-2007 03:48:58
[quotea919e33bfb="Margot530"]This info is from site owners....
You can do each of the Bargins once except Bargin Homes I and II. You can only do one Bargin Home offer ever. Other Bargin Network offers are The Price store and Hud Homes Now, you can do each of these also.
Advantage Language and Advantage Language II, are the same offer, and per a site owner, will cause a fraud/red/hold, if you try to do both.
My personal experience, even with clearing cookies and files, is that while you are a member of Bargin Cars, for example, it will show you already have an account if you try to do another Bargin offer. If you are no longer a member, you can complete another Bargin offer. This does not apply to The Price Store or Hud Homes Now.
There are also 2 credit report offers on some sites that are disguised to appear as separate offers, but if you look closely, you will see they are both by Run My Credit Report or RMCR and have identical cs numbers, offer the exact same service and have identical TOS. I can't confirm that they are indeed the same offer, but better to error on the side of caution and verify that it isn't with the site owner, in their forum, so that if you get the green light on it, and later go red, you will have a means to remedy the situation. In fact if you have doubts about any offer, I would recommend you do that. And if you don't get an answer, don't do the offer. Wait until you are sure.
Hope I helped D
Margot 8)[/quotea919e33bfb]
Thanks Margot! That's awesome info.
02-04-2007 03:51:35
I tried the callederm wrinkle a while back and didn't like it. I wanted to try the acne, but when I go to the end of the free trial sign-up it said someone in my household has already had a free trial with a tslabs (or whatever it is) or trimlife and I can't do another one.