questions about offers of the same company.. help please!

Live forum:


25-03-2007 17:51:32

Hi Everyone,
as you may have guessed, I'm new to this whole trade thing, but I am doing my best to survive, and it seems to be going well so far..
heres my question;
I know that you arent supposed to complete the same offer twice, but what it there are 3 offers available with the same brand or company?

I came across this today when trying to get some offers done. I had already completed an offer for the trimday weight loss program for one trader, and then today, I noticed that there was 2 other offers from trimday, a combo back for vitamins, and also a carb blocker offer.... is it okay to complete all three, or will this count as the same offer... am I even making any sense to anyone, lol wink any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Also, what is the deal with the puppy page thing that says ps youre banned... is this something I did wrong, or just like a joke kinda thing??

Thanks everyone!! hope to hear back soon!


26-03-2007 04:50:54

Some companies that offer different products will let you, but I do not believe that TrimLife is one of them. Usually if you try it will bring you to a screen that says "Sorry, you have tried our product before" or something like that. TSLabs is another that will not let you. But some companies will.



26-03-2007 04:58:50

Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated!!!!


27-03-2007 01:33:23

Ultra labs is one that seems to let you do more than one.


28-03-2007 07:59:38

I did Price Store and Hud Homes Now...They are both Bargin Network offers; maybe others have had luck with this, but I can not to Bargin Homes or Bargin Cars now, as it states I am already a member.

Margot 8)


28-03-2007 08:05:20

They are different offers but from the same company. It can't hurt to try and see if it works and goes through. If they don't allow it then they will tell you when you try to order, but It's not against the rules.

Unless you are doing an ideal site...