25-03-2007 15:52:26
My account is on hold at zeropricetags because they say there are 3 accounts with same I.P. I promise I only have one! I signed up under theysayjump and that's it. I've sent them a support ticket letting them know that I only have one account. I'm honest and wouldn't try to fraud anyone! Is there anything else I should do?
25-03-2007 16:02:49
Did you use AOL or a public computer to do it?
25-03-2007 16:12:14
No. I used my laptop at home.
sandra habina
27-03-2007 05:02:23
Maybe you could contact a moderator for some help. Good luck to you. I hope you get things straightened out.
27-03-2007 07:50:11
Damn bro that suks, i stayed away from that site since when i completed i was having some issues with them but ended up getting paid just didn't feel like putting up with it again, hope everything works out for you man your a very legit guy.
27-03-2007 08:06:41
If you don't use aol or a public place...and your ip matches 2/3 other users...then someone else at house signed up for the site..What internet provider do you have?
28-03-2007 21:48:36
Are you dial up or broadband. Dial up usually recycles a limited number of IP addresses. A new IP each time you dial up.