24-03-2007 06:29:27
If i wanted to make a site where would i go to apply for affilates?
24-03-2007 06:34:56
I was thinking the same question, i found a previous forum thread explaining free sites back the front, if anyone knows where that thread is or finds any info post it in here !!
24-03-2007 08:29:57
I don't know where that thread is, but have you tried a search, located at the to right? It may pull up what you're looking for, with a little effort and refining.
Hope I helped a little!
Margot wink
24-03-2007 11:21:04
i once found a whole list of them...
google is the best lol just for the info of course
24-03-2007 14:32:35
Well do you know if they are good at crediting and such and have good support?