
Live forum:


23-03-2007 11:21:36

There's a diy site requiring roadloans and two satellite offers. I've been thinking about taking out a loan anyway so it would'nt be much of a problem. Has anybody done this offer before? If so, how much did the loan have to be?


27-03-2007 15:24:16

So no one? I've searched around about this offer but haven't read about anyone actually going through with it...


27-03-2007 15:41:30

Ya, I don't think most people have actually done either... Those 2 are usually seen as the 'ultimate' OOD.


29-03-2007 05:15:06

Sorry, no one seems to be helping you out here. I don't have an answer, I am not even sure what a roadloan is.