Why are my trades never answered???
23-03-2007 07:09:28
A few nights ago, I sat down for like 5 hours and did as many offers as I could for the trades that I had set up. I ended going green on only 3 sites. 5 hours of work for 3 sites. I did everything like I was supposed to but it didn't work.
So I said, ok, I don't have luck with this, I will just buy referrals from others. I figured a couple of verterans that get greens quickly might be able to help me out, yet no one has responded. I know I have a low TR but I am just looking to get my wife a Wii and offset the cost with the other two sites.
My question is, why won't anyone help me out? I just don't understand. People around here seem to be flying through the referrals and getting free stuff yet, I just want to do this once, for my wife, and I can't pay someone to help, LITERALLY. Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong or what I should do differently? Should I hit up other forums like this, post my link in other places, ask people in a different way???
Doing more offers at the moment is completly out of the question but how do I get people to do them for me? Thanks (
23-03-2007 07:25:05
You have to work your way up. You can't just expect everybody to trade with you when your TR is so low. Take your time, people dont' get good at this in just a few days.
Sometimes offers dont' credit. Submit a manual credit request and wait it out. You will get your credit eventually.
And most veterans either can't do many offers because they have done so many, or they would rather trade with another veteran. Although some will go green for newbies.
And even veterans have problems getting credit sometimes. So you can't just expect that you can pay them and they will green for you in minutes and not have any problems. That isn't how these sites work. . . You need to learn patience.
And really you WON"T get any greens on here if you can't pay and you can't do offers. You want people to green for free??? That will never happen.
23-03-2007 07:29:44
[quote0e143991ee="TheOzzmanDPG"]A few nights ago, I sat down for like 5 hours and did as many offers as I could for the trades that I had set up. I ended going green on only 3 sites. 5 hours of work for 3 sites. I did everything like I was supposed to but it didn't work.
So I said, ok, I don't have luck with this, I will just buy referrals from others. I figured a couple of verterans that get greens quickly might be able to help me out, yet no one has responded. I know I have a low TR but I am just looking to get my wife a Wii and offset the cost with the other two sites.
My question is, why won't anyone help me out? I just don't understand. People around here seem to be flying through the referrals and getting free stuff yet, I just want to do this once, for my wife, and I can't pay someone to help, LITERALLY. Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong or what I should do differently? Should I hit up other forums like this, post my link in other places, ask people in a different way???
Doing more offers at the moment is completly out of the question but how do I get people to do them for me? Thanks ([/quote0e143991ee]
This is the problem were having. All the newbies flew in here first doing cash trades which was great, it helped me get my wii. And now all the newbies want to complete their own sites so ALL the newbies are in there trading...and theres just to many trades going on. No one can get anything done. I myself being a vet tried trading about 2 weeks ago and didn't get one response so I gave up. Before all the newbies came it was still hard to get referrals but people were paying as big as $35 per referral...now they are going for $15 and the amount of trades increased!
With that being said, I think you would succeed better in a diy/points site. It won't reply on anyone but yourself. So you won't be waiting around for referrals. I highly recommend YGF points site, highest pays I've seen. You could easily get enough money for a wii. A main problem you might have is you will complete a referral site for a wii, but MOST ..not all but MOST sites don't have access to a wii source so you would be waiting a long time anyways.
23-03-2007 07:36:19
[quote43b3cd5334="O4F-Manofice"][ Before all the newbies came it was still hard to get referrals but people were paying as big as $35 per referral...now they are going for $15 and the amount of trades increased!
Dude I remember when I first started it almost wasn't worth trading. probably one of the reasons I left for a year and a half. You could do a green for green and finish a site for what it cost to do the offers (what I did)
But if you wanted to pay somebody for a site you would be laughed it if you offered less then $30. For any site, even for trainn sites.
I think the lower cost of trading has also been because of the huge influx of new freebie sites.
23-03-2007 07:38:34
[quote49b1a09e04="stueybaby17"]You have to work your way up. You can't just expect everybody to trade with you when your TR is so low. Take your time, people dont' get good at this in just a few days.
Sometimes offers dont' credit. Submit a manual credit request and wait it out. You will get your credit eventually.
And most veterans either can't do many offers because they have done so many, or they would rather trade with another veteran. Although some will go green for newbies.
And even veterans have problems getting credit sometimes. So you can't just expect that you can pay them and they will green for you in minutes and not have any problems. That isn't how these sites work. . . You need to learn patience.
And really you WON"T get any greens on here if you can't pay and you can't do offers. You want people to green for free??? That will never happen.[/quote49b1a09e04]
I'm not saying I don't want to pay people I'm just not paying on Green. I am willing to pay on approval, that way no one goes red and I don't get scammed. I am willing to pay, what I'm saying is that it looks like everyone is willing to pay and not a lot of people willing to work. I just wanted advise as how others do it just in case I'm missing something.
23-03-2007 07:43:14
[quotee819890f4c="TheOzzmanDPG"][quotee819890f4c="stueybaby17"]You have to work your way up. You can't just expect everybody to trade with you when your TR is so low. Take your time, people dont' get good at this in just a few days.
Sometimes offers dont' credit. Submit a manual credit request and wait it out. You will get your credit eventually.
And most veterans either can't do many offers because they have done so many, or they would rather trade with another veteran. Although some will go green for newbies.
And even veterans have problems getting credit sometimes. So you can't just expect that you can pay them and they will green for you in minutes and not have any problems. That isn't how these sites work. . . You need to learn patience.
And really you WON"T get any greens on here if you can't pay and you can't do offers. You want people to green for free??? That will never happen.[/quotee819890f4c]
I'm not saying I don't want to pay people I'm just not paying on Green. I am willing to pay on approval, that way no one goes red and I don't get scammed. I am willing to pay, what I'm saying is that it looks like everyone is willing to pay and not a lot of people willing to work. I just wanted advise as how others do it just in case I'm missing something.[/quotee819890f4c]
Thats because a lot of newbies come in and dont' want to work, they just want to pay right away so there are soo many people that want sites done and nobody to do them (vets usually can't).
Also your TR makes a difference. I know you dont' want to pay on green but you can bet that a vet is not gonna wait for approval from a newbie with a TR of 2. Vets don't do that. Now you might be able to work with one if you pay on green. But paying a vet on approval, HELL NO!
I've found that even as an experienced trader I have trouble if I pay on approval, so I put some money on the line and pay some on green and some on approval. It at least gets some peoples attention.
23-03-2007 07:44:22
Also vets aren't very likely to scam you. I know I wouldn't risk my name and my TR for a measly $20!
23-03-2007 07:44:42
[quotee7d48e9813="TheOzzmanDPG"][quotee7d48e9813="stueybaby17"]You have to work your way up. You can't just expect everybody to trade with you when your TR is so low. Take your time, people dont' get good at this in just a few days.
Sometimes offers dont' credit. Submit a manual credit request and wait it out. You will get your credit eventually.
And most veterans either can't do many offers because they have done so many, or they would rather trade with another veteran. Although some will go green for newbies.
And even veterans have problems getting credit sometimes. So you can't just expect that you can pay them and they will green for you in minutes and not have any problems. That isn't how these sites work. . . You need to learn patience.
And really you WON"T get any greens on here if you can't pay and you can't do offers. You want people to green for free??? That will never happen.[/quotee7d48e9813]
I'm not saying I don't want to pay people I'm just not paying on Green. I am willing to pay on approval, that way no one goes red and I don't get scammed. I am willing to pay, what I'm saying is that it looks like everyone is willing to pay and not a lot of people willing to work. I just wanted advise as how others do it just in case I'm missing something.[/quotee7d48e9813]
PERSONALLY...I don't want this to sound mean or anything...but I don't think you have "earned" the right to request on approval. That goes for any newbie. If you don't want to be scammed...don't trade with newbies...even if the person has a high TR...they could have gotten that TR in 2 weeks...look at join dates...post counts, it all takes affect NOT JUST TR. I don't won't trade with someone if they have a TR of 100 and like 5 posts. I suggest you either doing a points site, or do cash trades with vets or green for green trades with vets. Don't misunderstand me...you DO NOT deserve to get scammed, no one does, with that being said you can of course do sites on approval...but you won't have any luck doing it.
23-03-2007 07:46:37
oh well, maybe in the end this isn't for me. I just don't have the money to put up, up front just in case someone goes red. I really don't have the money and that is why I'm trying to get a Wii for free for my wife. We just got married in Oct and I feel bad that I haven't been able to buy her anything nice recently because of the wedding cost, moving out, ect. Thanks to all that responded, I guess this isn't for me at the moment.
23-03-2007 07:54:41
[quoteded614ddae="TheOzzmanDPG"]oh well, maybe in the end this isn't for me. I just don't have the money to put up, up front just in case someone goes red. I really don't have the money and that is why I'm trying to get a Wii for free for my wife. We just got married in Oct and I feel bad that I haven't been able to buy her anything nice recently because of the wedding cost, moving out, ect. Thanks to all that responded, I guess this isn't for me at the moment.[/quoteded614ddae]
I can feel for ya man, I recently have gotten married myself. I don't have money to waste on RED's either. Alls it takes is a little money up front to get started. I just completed a wii game site for a free game...50 dollar game cost me maybe 4 bucks... not completely free but unusually nothing is actually free here. How it usually works is you would complete a train site for say $250 bucks, you then in return would use that 250 bucks to pay referrals to get even more money! I mean look at Gmario, came in with very little if any money and he has blown my mind in the amount of money he has made here.
23-03-2007 09:01:06
[quote173e4fb1aa="O4F-Manofice"][quote173e4fb1aa="TheOzzmanDPG"]oh well, maybe in the end this isn't for me. I just don't have the money to put up, up front just in case someone goes red. I really don't have the money and that is why I'm trying to get a Wii for free for my wife. We just got married in Oct and I feel bad that I haven't been able to buy her anything nice recently because of the wedding cost, moving out, ect. Thanks to all that responded, I guess this isn't for me at the moment.[/quote173e4fb1aa]
I can feel for ya man, I recently have gotten married myself. I don't have money to waste on RED's either. Alls it takes is a little money up front to
get started. I just completed a wii game site for a free game...50 dollar game cost me maybe 4 bucks... not completely free but unusually nothing is actually free here. How it usually works is you would complete a train site for say $250 bucks, you then in return would use that 250 bucks to pay referrals to get even more money! I mean look at Gmario, came in with very little if any money and he has blown my mind in the amount of money he has made here.[/quote173e4fb1aa]
Yeah Gmario is nuts! I can't believe how quick he came up. It was like out of nowhere. Seriously!
I was suprised when I saw 100TR and then it was like 2 days later he had 200TR!
But The point here is that you have to be patient. And start small. Do sites for other people to earn some money. It might cost maybe $20 cuz you can do a lot of free/super cheap offers for people and you can come out with $100+ and then be able to pay people. I believe it was laurelwm that did that and she has a great TR and has been doing good with her sites.
Or take your time and try to find people that want to trade greens. It might take a little longer but you'll eventually get it done.
The point here is that you have to have patience. There are soo many newbies that come in thinking that in a few days they'll have a million dollars! It doesn't work like that. You have to work your way up. But if you put your mind to it and put out a few dollars then you can do it.
Personally when i first started I was doing trades. Then after I restarted back up I did some offers for cash from some people. Cost me about $10 and i made aroudn $80. After that I started to pay some people, put out a little more money. Then after I got paid had some money to work with, and by time I had an OK TR. Then I put my first payout back into the freebie world and with that $250 that I put back in I was able to make $1250 in about 2 weeks.
Things have slowed down, but I'm still making money and I have plenty to put into freebies.
sandra habina
23-03-2007 11:16:04
Great info guys. Ozz you need to be patient and do more offers for other established traders and work your way up. It can be done. Keep me posted if I can help you further. I know you can do it because we have a trade already. Good luck
23-03-2007 12:55:19
I only need to ask one thing? Do I have to give back the $20.000.00 I have made on freebi sites>>>> lol (Fred) Never.