23-03-2007 06:44:12
How do I find out my personal TR information - RichardM
23-03-2007 06:46:23
Well you can find your TR by looking right under your name when you post.
If you want to find what people write about you clicking on users and then search for RichardM. And it will come up with your profile and at the bottom of the page you can view your feedback.
23-03-2007 07:07:58
A quicker way to view a user's profile, including your own, if you're viewing posts by that user is to just click on the underlined username next to their post, or the Profile button at the bottom of posts. You can also click the usernames in the Trade Module. Basically anywhere you see a username with an underline and/or that is clickable, it takes you to their profile page.
23-03-2007 07:28:18
[quote3aa4379403="dmorris68"]A quicker way to view a user's profile, including your own, if you're viewing posts by that user is to just click on the underlined username next to their post, or the Profile button at the bottom of posts. You can also click the usernames in the Trade Module. Basically anywhere you see a username with an underline and/or that is clickable, it takes you to their profile page.[/quote3aa4379403]
Good call. . . I usually click on other peoples names to view their profile, but for me I think it's just as easy to search users than to find my name somwhere and click on it.
But I will admit, I never even though about clicking on my own username to view the profile. I always just search users for it.