sandra habina
08-03-2007 00:24:36
Hello, I hope I am in the correct spot. I would like to know if there are very many offers that are available for Canadians to do? If so how do I know which ones?
I appreciate any help and thankyou in advance. D
08-03-2007 00:31:23
While some offers specifically say they are for people in Canada (Canadian Video Professor, for example), I think the only real way of knowing is by actually clicking on the offer.
I can't guarantee it, but I think most offers that are available to Americans are also available to Canadians. However, the best way to know, as I mentioned, is to chech the fine print of the offer in question.
Sorry I couldn't provide more specifics for this one.
08-03-2007 09:42:18
i can help you out here!!
i am canadian and it sure isn't easy to find offers.
the trainn network has more than others but even still....
the only way to know which ones are ok is to click, click, and click some more. most of the time i get redirected but eventually i find something.
if you plan to trade with a canadian i suggest telling them to read everything...really every little detail of the site and offer before signing up for anything.
it's already happened to me twice that it wasn't even written US only but i was denied credit even after completeing an offer.
kinda frustrating...(
unfortunately the only way to read this is to sign up so don't be too disappointed if you have to delete the trade because there aren't any offers left for that person.
hope this helps! )