An open-letter to all!!

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04-03-2007 15:56:13

An open-letter to all frustrated newbies
And Gurus in Freebie Land!

I’m a recent newbie! The promo piece that got me here (unfortunately) like all other programs makes everything sound like a “no-brainer” but leaves us hanging!! All you Gurus out there take a look at all the newbie threads “I need help” – “I’m confused” – “What do I trade if I have nothing to trade?” We are not getting it and since there seem to be hundreds out there who are making money with this thing, why are we not getting it???

I’ll use an analogy to make a point Guy gets hired, shows up for work, someone dumps a manual in his hand and says “have at it”. Or – Instead, when the guy shows up for work, he is told to read the manual first. Then he is taken step-by-step, shown answers to his questions through the actual job processes by an experience worker for that job. Then the newbie starts the process step-by-step and the mentor steps in to assist when a hangup occurs. Soon – the newbie is handling all his responsibility in confidence, without undue frustration!

Sorry to say all of you gurus are so full of techie-talk you just assume all newbies will be able to stumble around and eventually get most of it! But usually they get so frustrated they just give up!

Before I retired, I was a tech writer in a publications department of a company that produced heavy loader equipment. I had to make technical stuff understandable to people (off the street) who would be hired to operate and service the equipment. Our rule-of-thumb was to bring all instruction communication down to 6th grade level. I struggled constantly with engineering techies who had a difficult time communicating down to the level I needed to produce usable manuals.

All you gurus, moderators are no different than engineering techies! You speak in double talk and catchy phrases you assume anyone can figure it out and you expect newbies to automatically catch on! Sorry, it just doesn’t work that way. Look at all the frustrating newbie threads in every forum out there!!!!

Another point OK, so I decide to be a referral for Sally and she’ll pay me $30 to signup for the trial with a vendor and she gets her “green”. Now if the free trial stipulates (usually in fine print and hidden) I’m required to buy a product or service for an on-going period of time after the free trial at $29 a month, and I agree to have that amount auto-debited from my credit card every month, why would I commit to $29 times say six months ($174), when I don’t really need the product or service – I just want to fulfill the free trial to get the green for Sally??

I spent several hours browsing through free land sites. Just about everything has a “hook” similar to the example above! I was led to believe when I bought into this “EZ deal for the average guy” that the free trial was just that – a FREE TRIAL. End of trial if I chose not to continue with the product or service, no auto-debit of my credit card for more purchases each month in order to receive the referral credit towards getting the freebie.

If I am missing something, you moderators or gurus hit me with it in newbie level mentoring. The math just doesn’t jive. Then in the tutorial you sneakingly state that to keep the freebie vendors happy we must actually buy some of these things after the free trial every now and then! Another point Free $300 Walmart gift card. Can I convert that to cash at Walmart. I don’t shop much at Walmart or Kmart.

Now to get a little positive How about we have a board that shows all facts on specific freebie referral requirements (including any auto-debit requirements beyond the free trial) in one format. Right now it is double-speak. One I checked talks about step 1 and step 2, then step 3 and 4 referral requirement options. Does that mean you need several from each step or all from a couple steps?

What I am willing to do for some mentoring I will provide completion of one referral (green) for someone one-time at no cost, if in exchange they will show me step-by-step what I will do to complete it. I will pay double one-time the going rate for someone to do a referral for me (green) and show me step-by-step how it was done.

The requirements for the above are I pay at least 50% less (like a sample or handling fee) to become a referral (green) for someone that will bepaying me to do it for them (example they pay me $30, but it costs me no more than $15 for doing free trial)! I will not accept participation with any free trial vendor who will do a auto-debit on my credit card after the free trial.

Let’s make an effort to sort out and discard all referral commitments with vendors who expect (or require) auto-debit purchases after free trial expires. I must have free option if I want the product, to continue purchase it as I want to.

Let’s find ways to sell gift cards at a discount to people who want to use them to make purchases they want at the stores. CASH is what most newbies want – not free purchase power of products.

We’ll eliminate a lot of frustration, confusion and allow more newbies to become knowledgeable buyers and sellers of greens and reduce dramatically the time moderators must spend putting out fires of frustration and confusion!! AM I RIGHT ALL YOU NEWBIES OUT THERE” Are we on the same page?



04-03-2007 16:07:33

Hey. I am not sure I understand you quite well, but I can show you step-by step how to do this.From 0!

Just let me know


04-03-2007 16:48:18

i think some things to remember are
1. u need to know the terms of offers you sign up for.
2. do not do offers you are not interested in
3. should u not be interested after u try it out, choose offers that will not rook u out of tons of cash
4. find out the offers on a site that u have to pick from before u agree to a trade
5. we do not discuss cancelling here
6. someone guiding u thru doing an offer/ site is against the TOS of all sites and will cause u to go red and on hold
7. why did i number these things?


04-03-2007 16:52:51

Well, I for one have helped a bunch of Newbies step by step, answering any and all questions they have had along the way. I have answered questions from Newbies and not-so-newbies with whom I was not currently trading or had anything to gain from . Just because it's not all posted doesn't mean it's not happening. I have often stated "Feel free to PM me with questions", and many newbies do.

As for the offers, the company needs to have something to gain as well, otherwise they would not be paying the freebie sites for the advertising, and the freebie sites would not be paying us. The offers that do not require an auto-ship or reoccuring membership fee are there, but they are more expensive - why would an advertiser pay the freebie site, for example, $10 per sign up for something that only cost you $1.00, unless there was a chance you would stay on and pay more in the long run.

And as far as Walmart cards.......... all of the sites I have cashed out so far in this have been for PayPal $$, which is real money I can use anywhere or have sent to me in my bank account. Look around at the sites available - almost all have a PayPal option. The only site I'm getting a Walmart card from is because they are giving me more on the Gift Card than the PayPal option was, and I really do shop at Walmart (sometimes several times a day).

If you have specific questions, feel free to PM me and I'll try my best to help you out.



04-03-2007 22:37:06

I bought the same ebook . How an average joe can make a buck. Come on! I am a newbie myself. I have not had a problem. Like Dr. Phil says, " Lets get real " This market is not for everyone! my sugesstion is to read, read , read,read,read. All the info. you need is here. If you are here to make money then you need to treat it like a business and have to invest some time and money. There is no free lunch! If you are broke to begin with then I recommend you get a job or get a second job. This is not for you. If you have some extra money to play with then you can be succesful here. i hate to sound so harsh but, i bought the same ebook and it tells it like it is. Reread it and read all the info in the Big red box and you will get it. No more excuses. You have the fate of your life in your hands and you can become successful. The moment that you are here that tells me that you are looking for something more. Take the bull by the horns and make it happen!I know you can do it!

Good Luck to you.



07-03-2007 12:36:52

You really can even start this for about nothing - as long as you have a PayPal account already (preferably with a PayPal debit card NOT backed up with anything).

I came in with about $20 on my PayPal (from an ebay auction) and signed up to do a couple of trades for $$. I used my $20 wisely, and was able to do about 3 sites with it. By that time, I had gotten paid for one of my greens and could use that $20 to sign up for a couple more. I switched over to site for site trades, and by that time I had enough TR to get some newbies to sign up on my sites - paying after approval. Once I cashed out my first site, it was all easy from there. I don't have millions yet, but I haven't done but one offer out of my pocket (not counting the first $20, which I took back out of my first cashout)

So, can it support itself??? YES !! Can it support you & your family??? Not likely, at least not above poverty level. But I knew that coming in.



07-03-2007 13:23:45

I admit, it does take time to understand how the whole process works and you're right, many of the "gurus" or whatnot do not have the patience to take the time to explain everything step-by-step especially when it's already written up somewhere. You've also noticed that there's been many success stories out there so somehow, some people have managed to make a successful venture from it. If you haven't received mentoring already from someone else, I'd be glad to help. I'll send you a pm though if you have any type of instant messaging program, it'd be easier with that.


07-03-2007 14:56:39

[quote12766cfadf="laurelwm"]You really can even start this for about nothing - as long as you have a PayPal account already (preferably with a PayPal debit card NOT backed up with anything).

I came in with about $20 on my PayPal (from an ebay auction) and signed up to do a couple of trades for $$. I used my $20 wisely, and was able to do about 3 sites with it. By that time, I had gotten paid for one of my greens and could use that $20 to sign up for a couple more. I switched over to site for site trades, and by that time I had enough TR to get some newbies to sign up on my sites - paying after approval. Once I cashed out my first site, it was all easy from there. I don't have millions yet, but I haven't done but one offer out of my pocket (not counting the first $20, which I took back out of my first cashout)

So, can it support itself??? YES !! Can it support you & your family??? Not likely, at least not above poverty level. But I knew that coming in.


It's so funny when I read your posts Laurel because you and I came in about the same time and as is the situation with you, I am ALWAYS offering to help newbies and often people IM me or PM me with questions when I am not even trading with that person. My feeling, as I've read is your's as well, is that the nicer we are and the more helpful us "gurus" is what they call us?? well the more we can help these new people get the hang of it BEFORE getting frustrated and giving up, the more users we will have to trade with.
Also, same as you laurel, I came into this with LESS THAN $20 in my paypal acct, using my paypal debit card to do my first offer. I was paid my $20 for a green and just went from there. So absolutely can start this with very little money and I'd have to say that I've made about $2000 since January 6th, 2007 between getting paid for going green and completing a few sites.

Moral of the story.....HANG IN THERE NEWBIES.....and seek out the people that are willing to help. I can throw a few names out there but should probably get permission before I do so. If you search around through my many posts you will find the names of the two that helped me on my very first night and still to this day answer questions for me if I ask. So here's my message


PM LAUREL OR MYSELF......AND IF THAT DOESN'T WORK....IM ME ON AIM OR YAHOO MESSENGER!! And that's about all I can do to offer you help. I am currently out of work due to a recent back surgery and I know I see Laurel on the forums all the chances are....we'll give you a straight up "layman's terms" answer if you just take the time to ask the questions before getting frustrated and giving up!!!!

Hey get Karma from me and maybe we should actually do a trade sometime wink


07-03-2007 15:03:57

I've also been quoted for helping people on this site, and I also help new people, regardless of if I am in a trade with them or not. I am also very courteous, and treat everyone I deal with with the respect they deserve.

And yes ... it is possible to make money. I started with nothing in my paypal account. Literally. And in just over a month, I've made a little over $400. I got a lot of help the first few days, and like laurelwm and email==csullivan1@rochester.rrcsullivan1@rochester.rr=csullivan1@rochester.rrcsullivan1@rochester.rr/email.c, I don't mind helping anyone with any questions they may have.


07-03-2007 15:36:08

I also feel that i am able to help newbies thru step by step. but one thing you should remember is if you don't know what something means or are confused about the terms of the trade then just ASK!!! don't assume anything. to me there are no stupid questions and i would much rather have someone ask if they were unsure about something than to assume something and end up in a big miscommunication. if you read my tr comments you will see many "great trader for a first timer" or "helpful to newbies". i take pride in that b/c someone took their time out when i first started here to walk me thru 2 or 3 trades to make sure i understood. the least i can do is return that to the newbies.


07-03-2007 16:15:04

I started with no help just read and read and got some good help from ordergiftsfree when doing sites and now i been doing really good at this so if u you need any help just PM and i'll be more than happy to help you out


07-03-2007 16:53:45

[quote0950ebc233="gmario"]I started with no help just read and read and got some good help from ordergiftsfree when doing sites and now i been doing really good at this so if u you need any help just PM and i'll be more than happy to help you out[/quote0950ebc233]

I think at the very beginning you asked me to do a trade with you and for whatever reason I couldn't....but I put you on my buddy list and have asked you quite a few questions and you have been very helpful to me = )....PLUS Karma to you!!