I really need help

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=55267


27-02-2007 13:41:53

I have done nearly 3 offers so far. I have signed up and completed the offers, gotten confirmation emais etc. Apparantly i have yet to receive credit for these site or "go green".

The sites also said credit within 15 minutes and i did them last night. What am i doing wrong?


27-02-2007 13:45:39

It depends on the site. But in general, make sure that you have done the required amount of offers or points.

For example, Trainn requires 1 Level A or 50 points of Level B. If you do one offer without checking, you might get it confirmed, but it might have only been worth 44 points, for example.

Or Free4me, which requires 2 offers, one per page. Make sure you did 1 on page one, then clicked and went to page 2 and did a different offer.

Thos are just two examples, but it's a possibility that you either didn't complete the offer fulfillments, as mentioned, or you just need to wait a little longer. Some 'Instant' offers take longer to credit than they say they will.


27-02-2007 13:49:04

so im suppsoed to sign up for more than one offer? if s/h costs me $3-4 and i have to do 2 or 3 of these.. its going to cost me $9-12 just to make 20? so 8$ profit?

how is that anywhere near the 40-50$ that project pay day mentioned?


27-02-2007 13:53:17

It depends on the site, like I said. Some require only one, some require 2 or even more. Some sites have offers that are cheap, and some have OOD's ... most, however, are quite reasonable with costs.

And there are very few times that you'll make a $40-$50 profit per green. As most people pay $20-$25 for the average green, you are looking to making somewhere between $10-$18 per green. And yes, it will cost you money to make money.

Plus, PP says that you should make about $50 per hour of work, not per green or even per offer. And that's just a rough estimate.


27-02-2007 14:04:17

I suppose its MUCH harder starting out because instead of me looking for greens, I am the referral. now i have to deal with all this stuff they'll be sending to my house and emails lol lol

Ok well thanks for the help. and where would i know how may offers i have to complete in order to recieve credit? and also where do i check if i have received credit oops


27-02-2007 14:37:42

[quote8b4141386b="fp-work"]I suppose its MUCH harder starting out because instead of me looking for greens, I am the referral. now i have to deal with all this stuff they'll be sending to my house and emails lol lol

Ok well thanks for the help. and where would i know how may offers i have to complete in order to recieve credit? and also where do i check if i have received credit oops[/quote8b4141386b]

You may have done a full credit but not have gotten credit for the offers. Make sure you clear you cookies. That is a reason many people do not recieve credit for offers. And I'll mention this also. You have to clear your cookies BEFORE you do the offer not after.
Click on tools, internet options, delete cookies.

Log back onto the sites that you have done. Like if you did yourps34free then just log on and click on status to check and see if you have gotten credit.

Find the offer and look to see how many points or credits it is worth. For trainn it must be 50 pts to recieve credit (if it is a level A it is worth 1 credit). Other sites go by half and full credits. That should be listed right under the offer.

After logging onto the site you can just click on status to find out if you have gone green and what offer you did that made you go green.

I think that should handle it. And it is worth some Karma roll


27-02-2007 14:39:26

yeah, thanks guys for helping my ref ) i'll see to that as soon as i am allowed to give some. you're on my list D


27-02-2007 14:41:22

And still sometimes offer don't credit, even if you did everything right. That's when the manual credit request comes in to play. Be sure to save all of your confirmation emails, because if you need to file for a missing credit, you will need them.

The big payout here comes when you get your referrals and cash out a site - I've received $900 in the last two weeks.
