22-02-2007 12:40:51
A trade with "melmarie80" is done....she hasn't payed her 15 dollars....ok....what do you people suggest? (
22-02-2007 12:44:26
I wouldn't worry, she's reliable. Give her a couple of days, she might be busy or something
22-02-2007 12:44:53
..... This is the Trading Forum and Only done For Trading. Please contact a mod first or tsj than ask him if you should make a thread about him/her in the scammer section.
22-02-2007 13:06:45
Yep and she said that she wants proof or something like that....
22-02-2007 13:11:43
Ok ...so obviously you don't know exactly what she want's.
Why not try pm'ing her again and asking her to clarify...
She's very reliable...And won't run away for a measly $15.
22-02-2007 13:56:04
No no....that the trade is done....
22-02-2007 13:56:56
No no....that the trade is done green....
22-02-2007 16:59:44
Sorry, didn't realized that this was posted, otherwise I would have responded earlier here too. Your end is not green.
Email Referral Status
email==l.tiger@videotron.cal.tiger@videotron.ca=l.tiger@videotron.cal.tiger@videotron.ca/email Joined, but offer not completed.
You have sent me countless PMs saying stuff about sending you money. This trade is over two months old, and two months ago you put in the trade module that I was out of contact. (which is interesting, because I always PM'd you back within a day) So I thought you did not want to continue the trade. I left it at that, and ordered my gift without you being green. I opened a support ticket, to make sure that you had not gone green, since my account was reset when I ordered. They restored all of my referrals, and you are not green.
22-02-2007 17:15:38
OK....ok why do they not put it green?
22-02-2007 18:22:33
[quoteed1de691dd="Tigerxyz1"]OK....ok why do they not put it green?[/quoteed1de691dd]
Because you still haven't got credit for the offer you did. You need to submit a no credit request to be able to get credit.