21-02-2007 11:20:39
Hi Everyone! I've read the rules, but I just want to make sure I'm getting it right...would really hate to get in trouble! If I've initiated a trade with someone and they have not confirmed yet (and I haven't heard from them in a couple days), I can request deletion even though I've not waited the customary 14 days (with the contacting within the first 7 days, etc)? Is that correct? Please advise. Thanks!!
21-02-2007 12:54:07
I don't know. I question that too and I get mixed responses.
21-02-2007 15:41:28
I would generally not cancel a trade when I haven't heard from them in "a couple of days". Not everyone is able to be on here every day. If that kind of time frame is important to you, it should be spelled out in the trade details.
But, if they have not confirmed it yet, I don't know that it breaks any rules. It just may not be your best choice, ethically.
21-02-2007 15:47:13
yeah, you can, but only if the person isn't yellow
21-02-2007 16:09:18
How long before I can start offering links?
21-02-2007 17:02:34
Got it...thanks!! Is it really ethically wrong to request deletion if the other party hasn't confirmed, replied to PMs or even logged on to this site to just check in? And since they're a newbie, there will be plenty of other opportunities for them to actually confirm and complete trades. If they're just starting out, I would think they'd be pretty concientious about this. I know I was...
22-02-2007 04:59:39
[quotef78e43905d="maksmom"]Got it...thanks!! Is it really ethically wrong to request deletion if the other party hasn't confirmed, replied to PMs or even logged on to this site to just check in? And since they're a newbie, there will be plenty of other opportunities for them to actually confirm and complete trades. If they're just starting out, I would think they'd be pretty concientious about this. I know I was...[/quotef78e43905d]
1. Check your account on the site to make sure they did NOT sign up - I have had newbies go the entire way through a trade without ever confirming or updating on the trade module.
2. Send them an email with a time limit (for example, "If I don't hear from you by xx/xx, I will be canceling our trade).
3. Next time, I'd recommend guidelines, for example - "Confimed and yellow within 48 hours, contact at least every third day if green is delayed" so that you agree on when they should stay in touch. Not everyone is able to be on here every day. If you are up front about your expectations, people who know they can't do that will tell you.
4. Obviously - be willing to work with people when they PM you and tell you about the emergency they've had that kept them away for days. I once had a trader go missing after going yellow, only to find out a week later that her tiny baby had emergency surgery.
22-02-2007 06:27:03
Yeah, those are good guidelines to follow. I appreciate your help...Thanks!!
22-02-2007 12:00:17
So a follow up question....
I've waited 7 days and then 7 days again and still haven't heard anything, and now I'm being nice and sending him another message saying he has until Monday to be green. If he doesn't and I cancel the Trade (which he hasn't confirmed, but is yellow) so I need to let a Mod know so it doesn't come back, or just keep all pertinent data to show if you throws a fit?
22-02-2007 12:37:44
I'd say when you cancel the trade, keep all relevant PM's for at least another week, just in case an issue arises. After that, it will have been 3 weeks since they were in contact with you, so they are the ones who lose out.
23-02-2007 05:26:41
I have one,
I was set up on a trade that I intended to do the next morning. The next day I sent him a PM to confirm he still needed me and he didn't, said he had all he needed. So can I delete this from the trade module (never confirmed)?
23-02-2007 05:55:51
[quote8ad91d45c5="crys27"]I have one,
I was set up on a trade that I intended to do the next morning. The next day I sent him a PM to confirm he still needed me and he didn't, said he had all he needed. So can I delete this from the trade module (never confirmed)?[/quote8ad91d45c5]
But I would not trade again with someone who needed you the night before, but not the next morning, unless that was something you had specified in the trade details.......... what if you hadn't PMd him but had just done the site?????