15-02-2007 02:39:34
here's my situation..
i did offers for someone but we didnt make any trade module, i didnt know about it till few days ago .
Now that i completed offers and even i got the items from the offers but the guy hasnt paid me or anything, he doesnt even reply my messages..
is there anything i can do or am i all screwed?
help pls
15-02-2007 02:43:37
You should always use the trade module.
My best advice to you would be to contact a moderator, although from the sounds of it, they may not be able to help you very much.
15-02-2007 06:02:56
This is why when you are new you should read all of the rules and guidelines first, which clearly state that all trades should be done through the Trade Module, so that you are covered by the forum. You should still contact a moderator, but they may not be able to help you.
I would also recommend that you go read the rules and guidelines.
15-02-2007 16:14:25
thanx for the comments
i dont really know how i can find the moderator contact info..
about the rules, i've read them all, may be not all but i've read few pages of them and i thought that's all. and to be honest, it's a bit exciting at first ...
anyways thanx
15-02-2007 16:16:21
In the trade forum, there is a link to the moderator list right below the main heading.
Hope they can help you.
16-02-2007 13:05:33
doorway to the mads lol http//
16-02-2007 18:29:38
thanx moviemadnessman and gator1002
i've emailed them and reported...
even if they cant do anything for me, they may prevent that happening to other people
if in this thing we are working with each other, we gotta take care of each other cuz what goes around, comes around, eh?
16-02-2007 19:28:45
[quote536cfc3ae3="CamrenCrew"]thanx moviemadnessman and gator1002
i've emailed them and reported...
even if they cant do anything for me, they may prevent that happening to other people
if in this thing we are working with each other, we gotta take care of each other cuz what goes around, comes around, eh?[/quote536cfc3ae3]
do you have the pm's?
16-02-2007 23:01:31
yes i have the pms,, hm good point , that is some evidence
but you know i dont really care for his money, i think that's part of learning... as long as he's not a member that's fine
so i contacted moderator and waiting for the answer, when i get one i'll post it here so if anyone has the same problem they'll know at least what mus be done...
thanx kidd2108
17-02-2007 00:45:02
what do you mean hes not a member? You dont have to post who it was, but was it another newbie or was it somebody with good TR?