scammed?? please advise

Live forum:


10-02-2007 14:11:06


I recently paid someone for a green. All of the pm's this person sent me are gone? I still have the ones I sent though. Also, the trade is no longer viewable in the trade section including the hidden trades. I checked my paypal and there is no record of the transaction that I paid her? This person has not posted anything on this site since.....

Did I just get scammed? I noticed the green is still good on my site though. That's what matters I guess......

Is it possible that I will lose that green when I submit approval?

I guess there is nothing I can do but anyone have any thoughts on what happened to her pm's, the trade, and no transaction for this in my paypal.


10-02-2007 15:52:20

If this all happened on the day the site switched over, your info may have been lost in the switch.

Have you PMd a moderator with the trader's name to find out??



10-02-2007 17:32:57

I dont' think she scammed you. She is still green. The PMs would be gone because of the server switch.

But I don't understand why they wont' be on your paypal. Because I'm pretty sure she didn't hack your paypal to delete the evidence. If she did she should have just sent herself a ton of money. Did you check your history and not just the recent transactions?


10-02-2007 17:59:06

[quote1a6ea22cb4="stueybaby17"]I dont' think she scammed you. She is still green. The PMs would be gone because of the server switch.

But I don't understand why they wont' be on your paypal. Because I'm pretty sure she didn't hack your paypal to delete the evidence. If she did she should have just sent herself a ton of money. [b1a6ea22cb4] Did you check your history and not just the recent transactions?[/quote1a6ea22cb4][/b1a6ea22cb4]

First of all, thank you for your reply.....

Yes, I did and nothing to be found. She hasn't taken any money out of my paypal account either. I try not to leave much in there just in case.... maybe I'm ok here, but that just seems very odd to me that the transaction is gone


10-02-2007 18:25:45

Yeah i think it is weird for it to be gone from paypal. Did you recieve an email from paypal?

She is green and not yellow or red. All the PM's and trades are gone because of the server switch. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Although i really really think it's weird for your paypal records to be gone.


10-02-2007 20:40:36

Trim down your sig.


11-02-2007 05:31:22

Are you absolutely sure you paid her with PayPal??? Maybe you meant to but forgot (I know I've done stuff like that - Senior Moments at 41, who'd have figured ? ) You should have an email from PayPal confirming the sending.

But if she's green and you haven't paid her - my guess is that you'll hear from her soon...........



11-02-2007 07:07:55

[quotefdbde4a948="laurelwm"]Are you absolutely sure you paid her with PayPal??? Maybe you meant to but forgot (I know I've done stuff like that - Senior Moments at 41, who'd have figured ? ) You should have an email from PayPal confirming the sending.

But if she's green and you haven't paid her - my guess is that you'll hear from her soon...........


Thats what I was thinking too


11-02-2007 08:50:20

Thanks everyone..... I called and talked to someone at Paypal. There apparently was no transaction to this person. I've sent a PM to her and haven't heard anything...... I guess I didn't complete the payment- with the site under going some work this week I must have forgot to pay. As of right now... I got a free green. But I would like to pay this person so I guess I'll just wait to her back from her (it's all I can do)