08-02-2007 16:41:43
Obviously I'm doing something wrong and feel stupid for asking, but when I click on "initiate trade with this person" all I get is Failed this can happen for several reasons -you initiated a trade with yourself -you included a link in the subject -your subject was too short.
Well, I didn't initiate a trade with myself and there never was a place to put a subject, so now what?. Please help. I'm confused.
08-02-2007 16:51:40
Do you have a pop-up blocker?? The field to fill in the trade subject is a pop-up window. If you have a blocker, that would cause it to fail. If you allow pop-ups from this site, that will make it work much better.
08-02-2007 18:27:17
Are you using Internet Explorer 7.0 ? Go down to my post on on that topic.... or pm me and I can help you
14-02-2007 16:45:42
I am having trouble with my pm. If you see this angela please update your email so i can pay you in the trade module. THanks,
15-02-2007 00:30:11
Ok I had the exact same problem.. here is how you fix it. Go to Tools in the internet explorer. Go to security. Then lower it from med-high.. or whatever it is on to the lowest possible option. Then try it again and it will work. ) Hope that helps!
15-02-2007 07:15:23
ALERT!!! I changed the security from med-high to med and it worked. However, shortly after doing that I had my credit card number stolen. I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but anyone having to do this to initiate a trade or leave a TR please immediately put back to med-high.