05-02-2007 16:25:33
i dont get it, how do i make money on here? someone help me please ?
also, where do i get referals from? i dont have alot of people to ask, plus they wouldnt do it anyway.
thanks all
05-02-2007 16:41:48
You have to do referrals or pay for referrals (via Trading post) to get referrals,....or you can just do offers for others sites to make money (once again visit the trading post). the trading post is the main trading thread in the forums. read the rules and then read the posts. you will get the idea pretty fast. but as alwyas feel free to keep posting in here for help, we are for the most part all freidnly
05-02-2007 20:05:06
thank you very much. But how much money do i need? none i hope.
if you're going to green for other people to earn money, you're going to need money for the offers, an offer normally costs $0~$10
if you're going to pay people to sign up to your site, assuming it's a $40/ref site, i've seen people pay $15~$30 for a referral
both ways you're going to need money to make money
PM me if you want to do any sites for cash D