09-01-2007 09:27:27
I keep getting a message that user bosbos has too many connections to MySql. Does anyone know who this is and why he is allowed to connect so many times?
09-01-2007 09:31:40
dunno, but we should ban him
09-01-2007 09:49:04
Who's the Bossboss?
http//[" alt=""/imga5ed797cd6]
09-01-2007 12:33:45
lol, he's the owner. That message is because it's a shared server. It means he's going over a limit he set for bandwith to be used.
09-01-2007 12:37:23
[quote0c8a958f86="DIABLO"]lol, he's the owner. That message is because it's a shared server. It means he's going over a limit he set for bandwith to be used.[/quote0c8a958f86]
What? LOL...
It's the database's username. ?
09-01-2007 12:44:54
Yes, ask dmorris. Last time he said that it was because our part of the server was using too much bandwith.
09-01-2007 12:57:06
bosbos is the username that connects to the database. we're only allowed a certain number of connections at once, that message occurs when we exceed it
09-01-2007 12:57:40
[quote879cfb96b6="DIABLO"]Yes, ask dmorris. Last time he said that it was because our part of the server was using too much bandwith.[/quote879cfb96b6]
I didn't say you were wrong about the server part. I said you were wrong about the [i879cfb96b6]bosbos[/i879cfb96b6] part. [i879cfb96b6]bosbos[/i879cfb96b6] is the username of the database that FiPG is run on. -_-
09-01-2007 13:43:31
LOL. Thanks for responses. What's even funnier is that I get emails from [b70376efa46]bosbos[/b70376efa46] every day and didn't put 2+2 together. That's why I'm not [i70376efa46]CollidgeGraduit[/i70376efa46]. )
unknown uchiha
09-01-2007 14:14:26
bos= bar of soap, which is the admin's email thing ""