03-12-2006 19:59:59
can freebie sites see your screen resolution/ browser?
03-12-2006 20:08:07
They can probably see what browser you're using, if they're set up that way, but not your screen resolution.
Why do you want to know?
03-12-2006 20:10:38
Sometimes, freebie sites will put people and their refs on hold if they see certain patterns emerge.
all/majority of refs do same offer
they have similar passwords
patterns in usernames addresses/ account activites
and i was just wondering if they would put somebody on hold if all of their refs had the same screen resolution or browser. But before I started wondering about that, I wanted to see if they were able to see it (Screen res/browser) at all.
04-12-2006 03:32:12
You're not hearing voices too, are you? ;)
04-12-2006 04:25:19
I would do freebie sites only while wearing a tinfoil hat.
Of course they would use browser and screen resolution as unique identifiers to place someone on hold. I mean really, could there be that many people using IE @ 1024x768?