13-09-2006 07:10:58
....but he is enrolled at the same college that I am enrolled in. I know that some of the TOS state that no college campus's. I know this is true but he would be doing offers from his personal computer and I will be doing trades frommine.
The problem that I had last year at college was that my roomate and I (he got me into the freebie scene) both did gear.free4me site for the same person and we both went red (i dont know if it was because we were on the same wireless router at the same time or what). I DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN.
What do I have to do in order for something like this to NOT happen again?
13-09-2006 07:24:05
If you share a personal router, you'll share the same public IP, so that is probably not advised. If your local college network accesses the internet through a gateway/router, then the same thing applies -- everybody behind the router shares the same internet IP.
However, different freebie sites will treat this differently. More advanced fraud detection scripts should be able to detect the HTTP headers that most browser transmit which will include both the local computer (private LAN) IP address as well as the shared internet address. Since freebie sites are very popular among the college crowd, I would expect most sites are advanced enough to determine this, but that's just a guess. Colleges with a common internet router will have a static IP on the internet side which is easily identifiable, versus a private broadband router that gets a dynamic IP directly from the ISP, where if more than one signup occurs in that case then you pretty much know it's a violation of the 1 per household rule.
I know Tyler has said FusionCash was aware and tolerant of college signups, so I expect they can tell the different between a shared computer and a shared network IP. Perhaps he can chime in and provide some advice. However don't expect much detail about fraud detection from site owners, since that information is closely held to reduce exploits and workarounds.
13-09-2006 07:25:53
Colleges are such a "touchy" subject in the freebie scene...
13-09-2006 07:28:51
OKay yeah i definately understand a lot better now...
With the whole personal computer ordeal...
Free4me was very anal about it, they did not detect the personal computer difference and when I explained the situation, they just stated "sorry, no college campus's, its in our TOS." So now I cannot do any free4me sites and I wanted to forever.
Anyways thanks for the help dmorris.
Anyone who has any other advice would be great (especially site owners/representatives ) )
13-09-2006 08:31:49
I've always stayed away from letting roommates signup even though they've wanted too. I've been able to do it on Prizebook just by explaining beforehand that my roommate is signing up and we'll have the same IPs and they'll ok it. I'd like to hear from TRAINN since my roommate really wants to do that site, but can't since I'm already signed up.
13-09-2006 09:10:26
[quote10bcbc16f6="johnjimjones"]I've always stayed away from letting roommates signup even though they've wanted too. I've been able to do it on Prizebook just by explaining beforehand that my roommate is signing up and we'll have the same IPs and they'll ok it. I'd like to hear from TRAINN since my roommate really wants to do that site, but can't since I'm already signed up.[/quote10bcbc16f6]
Yeah my buddy is ready to sign up for all the trainn sites sometime here in the near future. He just needs some quick cash and trainn is one of the best freebie sites out there. So im thinking that maybe I should contact alan?
14-09-2006 00:21:34
I think someone once said that Trainn can detect different rooms in a dorm, but I dunno about roomates.