31-08-2006 22:08:03
I would be very greatful if someone could point me to a site for virtual credit cards which i can put money from my paypal account into them so i can complete these online offers without giving away my details, thanks! D
01-09-2006 07:12:00
ePassporte - You have to use PayPal physical debit card.
01-09-2006 20:25:50
Vdebit on PP doesn't have a CVV2 code, So it won't work with Epassporte, A physical PP card will work though.
01-09-2006 20:31:48
I'm an idiot. I meant PayPal PHYSICAL debit card.
I meant to put that. I swear. D
01-09-2006 22:51:57
simon giftcount or something yah but some ppl like me cant get one charged to there paypal card