27-08-2006 10:31:32
Can you guys link me to some REALLY active conga/congaline sites?
27-08-2006 10:37:22
There are none. Its more like the first few people (depending on the site) to sign up get all the refferals and everyone else gets screwed.
27-08-2006 12:23:49
Ah...now that I think it about it does seem a little familiar....lol
you can check anything4free. i tried a conga there and i basically gave someone a free ref. it sux (
27-08-2006 14:13:54
congas fucking suck, dont use them
28-08-2006 13:30:35
Yup, I remember trying 2 of UChalfs sites after everyone was saying how good they were... not even a yellow =_=
unknown uchiha
28-08-2006 13:49:04
Actually, only Rewman said how great UCHalf was...
28-08-2006 13:53:17
If you are the first to nodify about a site, then congas will work for you. Otherwise "congas fucking suck, dont use them"