03-08-2006 20:12:24
Okay I know this question has probably been answered a bajillion times, or something like that, but please bear with me, as this is the HELP thread...That and it would probably take forever to hunt down a thread that does answer this question in this section. roll
What is another good site to do for Video Ipods? My friend is interested in getting one, and he agreed to help me with YourFreeVideoIpod if I helped him get his Video Ipod. So...because we all know that the market for YFVI is oversaturated, I am wondering if there are other good and not-as-in-demand sites out there for Video Ipods?
Only condition for the site is that they be able to ship to Canada, as we are Canadians...
Also if possible, list the requirements and kinds of offers? I would also prefer to avoid OOD.
04-08-2006 17:13:45
What... NOBODY knows of any other good video Ipod sites out there?
04-08-2006 17:20:20
I can trade with you for Getrewardz, you can do a custom order there and they have low ref requirements.