never again!
29-05-2006 16:57:25
mannnn ive been working on freeipods for AGES and i still havent received mine. in dec i met all the requirements, it took them a month and a half to get back to me (instead of the 7 days) to say they werent going to accept 2 of my 5 people. i dont quite know why this was, could it be that I used a prepaid credit card? (I had one, Im not sure if I used it on these 2, maybe, maybe not). But now after getting 2 more people I had to mail in a couple forms, and now again I've been waiting a month. How long does it take to get this thing?
I want to know for future, how long do these sites take? Are the sites any faster?
Besides these 2 are there any other reputable sites which are fast?
Thanks guys!
29-05-2006 18:12:15
Did you use your credit card, (prepaid or regular,) on your refs offers? If so, that will get them DQ'd.
Freepay, the network that does freeipods, has been slower and less reliable lately. I would suggest the Trainn network.
29-05-2006 19:55:51
If your looking for an iPod, I would recommend http// They're very quick. Or you could try out one of the small newer networks, such as the Free4Me network.
29-05-2006 20:18:20
IMHO, as long as you can follow rules, you should try any order4free network site.
Examples,,, or
Or for a completley free site try, or any of the network sites.
On a personal note FreePay Sucks! liliIMHOlili I won't ever do them because of mailing in vouchers and the new ToS.
Good luck and enjoy the 'Freebie' scene.
29-05-2006 20:26:25
Don't do FreePay anymore.
30-05-2006 03:34:37
ok great! so how long does freepay take tho? when can i actually expect this supposed month delay to end?
the train network - i assume thats all the sites that end in '' right?
how long do those and the other sites mentioned here take to get the product once all referrals are completed?
30-05-2006 03:52:36
The delay ends 90 days after you signed up (chances are it ended today for you as well).
The train network is flashipods4free and yourfreevideoipods, among others.
The shipping is fairly quick; much quicker than freepay, at least.
30-05-2006 05:29:37
Most of the 4Free sites are owned by OfferCentric, another company. They are normally pretty quick, but when you get near the required amount of refs Offers of Doom (OOD) appear, which cost anywhere from $20-$100 to complete.
30-05-2006 07:26:54
Look in the sub forums of this web site to see all the Trainn and Free4me sites and others. Most of the one's that have their own sub forum here are trust worthy (just research each network before begining a site.)
30-05-2006 07:40:23
Trainn and .free4meurl==http://=http:///url are my current favs!
30-05-2006 16:45:52
[quote826887e1d7="Peinecone"]Did you use your credit card, (prepaid or regular,) on your refs offers? If so, that will get them DQ'd.
Freepay, the network that does freeipods, has been slower and less reliable lately. I would suggest the Trainn network.[/quote826887e1d7]
wait u can get banned for using gc for doing offers on freebie sites? im not talking about freepay im talking about all freebie sites
30-05-2006 16:53:05
I'm not sure if you can get banned, but it is considered frauding an offer, since there is a set amount that they can charge to.
30-05-2006 18:08:03
but doesnt almost everyone here use a gc for there offers?
30-05-2006 18:18:29
[quote38ce03d393="ghondi"]IMHO, as long as you can follow rules, you should try any order4free network site.
Examples,,, or
Or for a completley free site try, or any of the network sites.
On a personal note FreePay Sucks! liliIMHOlili I won't ever do them because of mailing in vouchers and the new ToS.
Good luck and enjoy the 'Freebie' scene.[/quote38ce03d393]
what he said...
especially the part about FreePay making you mail in approval forms... that's just ridiculous
31-05-2006 04:00:58
whats gc?
31-05-2006 05:14:24
GC = Gift card. Like a debit card.