16-05-2006 08:20:05
Here is the situation. Suppose I do a Freepay site that requires 8 greens. I manage to get 10 greens. Let's call them Referrals A - J
Referral A
Referral B
Referral C
Referral D
Referral E
Referral F
Referral G
Referral H
Referral I
Referral J[/coloreb528cb608]
Now, suppose Freepay checks Referrals A - H, that is 8 legit referrals, so, do they stop checking? Or do they also check Referral I and Referral J as well to see if they are legit?
Am only asking this because if Freepay just checks from top to bottom and only checked the first 8 greens, than the last 2 extra greens are unchecked and could be potential scammers that would have gone yellow/red/grey. So, if they were intending to go red on me, than they owe me another green or conpensation for maybe Paypal that I gave them correct, since they go lucky that they were not checked?
no clue
i would assume they would check every referral. remember that if they check J last and he goes grey or red instead of green than it messes u up if u need 10 referrals. if u need 8 referrals than it doesnt screw u but it DOES make it so that J cant get his freebie without jumping thru hoops )
= $$$ saved
16-05-2006 15:13:57
they check them all obviously to see if they conflict with your other referrals, regardless of number attained
[quote7da4305db3=""]they check them all obviously to see if they conflict with your other referrals, regardless of number attained[/quote7da4305db3]
ya that is true too. makes sense. if mom signs up from ur house and she is # 10 then u are in trouble