06-05-2006 12:01:34
i was wondering how exactly they can give away the ps3 and if thats legit? It hasnt come out yet , how can they offer it? And which site would be the best if im looking to work on getting a free ps3. Im a newbie at all this so if anyone could give me some helpful info that would be great D
well it is giving out the ps3 after it comes out. basically you will sit approved and once they get a shipment however long after it comes out you will get one.
that make sense?
i would not do freepay, personally. I am not doing anymore of their sites due to their 90 day limit. I would suggest trainn or giftfiesta personally.
not sure what others would suggest
good luck!
08-05-2006 11:16:42
alright cool...i was also wondering if you can use those prepaid visa debit cards online to pay for your offers??? I got on adn was trying it but it keeps denying my card
08-05-2006 11:51:27
[quote3ed686e799="bballcj33"]alright cool...i was also wondering if you can use those prepaid visa debit cards online to pay for your offers??? I got on adn was trying it but it keeps denying my card[/quote3ed686e799]
Yes, unless the site requires a CCV#, which some virtual cards do not have (a couple do however)...
If you run into this problem, though, just use either 000 or 123 as the CCV# and sometimes it works....
08-05-2006 20:11:47
one more question...which would you say is the easiest way to complete these websites, points based or refferal based???
unknown uchiha
08-05-2006 20:24:53
Referral based. The only points based site worth doing would probably be FreeTech4Me though their offers aren't as good as they were back in September =P