10-03-2006 11:02:51
I needhelp whith greens. Its easy getting people to click my link but nobody wants to complte an offer cry . I relly want the 60gb black ipod. I wanted it for the longest. I tryed looking in at trades but it looks like everyone is paying for greens but i cant pay for greens because im broke cry . Is there any easy way to get greens?(I would relly apprecate it if you helped me out whith greens
10-03-2006 11:14:54
We would appreciate it if you read the rules and removed your referral link.
I am now PMing you about this.
10-03-2006 20:27:54
Wow. You guys are complete jerks. Just ask him nicely to remove the link; don't be an ass about it. Notice how they refer to this as "newbie island?"
10-03-2006 22:10:55
[quote97be32abb6="videzlamer"]Wow. You guys are complete jerks. Just ask him nicely to remove the link; don't be an ass about it. Notice how they refer to this as "newbie island?"[/quote97be32abb6]
I was asking nice.. lishrugli..
I mean I don't know how else to say it.. at least I saved the guy from being banned.. I could have flamed him for not reading the rules, but I just told him to take the link out lishrugli ?
The PM was just in case he didn't read the thread, it'd get to him faster and he could edit faster.
All in all, I was actually nicer than is required.
11-03-2006 05:09:55
[quotea3391f9020="videzlamer"]Wow. You guys are complete jerks. Just ask him nicely to remove the link; don't be an ass about it. Notice how they refer to this as "newbie island?"[/quotea3391f9020]
No need to flame. That was a really nice way for Chex to ask him to remove the referral link. Just a suggestion, don't join a board and immediately start criticizing they way people do things, especially by flaming.
11-03-2006 05:25:55
[quote81f618ec86="videzlamer"]Wow. You guys are complete jerks. Just ask him nicely to remove the link; don't be an ass about it. Notice how they refer to this as "newbie island?"[/quote81f618ec86]
Jerk? Chex asked nicely, "We would appreciate it if you read the rules and removed your referral link."
That's called honesty, and honesty hurts.
[quote56ae94c11b="videzlamer"]Wow. You guys are complete jerks. Just ask him nicely to remove the link; don't be an ass about it. Notice how they refer to this as "newbie island?"[/quote56ae94c11b]
maybe next time he will read the rules