Any other point-based or DIY freebie referral sites that pay

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07-03-2006 15:56:08

Hey. There are point-based sites like and sites that have the option to choose to get points to get a freebie like Are there any other point-based or DIY (Do-It-Yourself) sites that payout AT LEAST once a week? You could probably even get yourself credited for a referral.


07-03-2006 16:16:12



On a personal note, pays mondays, Casino Cash Unlimited pays usually within a week, Inbox Dollars pays first of every month, Fusion Cash pays 20th of every month, and InstantProfitz is usually good about payment. Money earned on instantprofitz can be converted into points to use on InstantProfitz point site, http//[]http//, Trainn has the option to earn points or referrals on all of their sites, and some other DIY sites you can recieve your item within a month....

It's all mapped out for you in the entire forum on here dedicated to DIY

lilocKli (please lock this so I can feel cool ending a thread)


07-03-2006 16:29:51

Everyone of our sites have the points and referral methods.



07-03-2006 16:36:30

there is a new site with exactly wat u are looking for due to come out friday i will tell u once it goes live.


07-03-2006 18:16:49

Oh. Thanks. Oh and I didn't know that had an option of doing their sites by points for finishing offers. Nice.